Sorry Son
Have you ever taken a stand on an issue, been adamant about your convictions in the situation and ended up being absolutely wrong! If so, you will relate to this misadventure. Divorce is hard! Separation is hard. In NC you are required to be separated for one year before the divorce is granted. I understand why. They hope for reconciliation. That’s a good thing in many cases but how many of you know that when something important ends, waiting is the hardest part. It’s like something died but you can’t bury it. When something dies, often, something new is created. It’s often a beginning of a journey.Well during my journey I felt the need to take ownership of certain things. I wanted to defend what I believed was mine. No, not in the way you might think. I wanted to stand up for something worth standing up for. At this particular event it was my son. He was performing in a concert and it was quite crowded. There was a balcony and there were people talking. It was really annoying be...