The abusers words from my own mouth. How did that happen?
I opened my mouth and out came the words I'd heard so often. "How could you think that of me?" I was both stunned and disgusted. Abusers use those words to keep their victims from realizing they are victims. I can't tell you how many times I heard "I would never do that. Don't you know me better than that? I'm your xyz... how could you think that of me? I pray to God that this helps someone. Abusers leave scars. The physical scars are easy to show and people are more likely to help. However, there is a type of abuse that runs deep, never to be seen by another human being. If the abuser is really good, he/she will make their victim believe they are the only one that triggers this negative behavior. Years later the victim finds out that there were many like him/her that also thought they were the only one. It's horrific to find out that you were not alone in the madness. I often thought of myself as "strong enough." I know this person ...