
Showing posts with the label #loneliness

PTSD and Triggered. What iis it?

 “Triggered”.What a misunderstood word.  I had someone tell me they’d been “triggered” because their children wouldn’t do the dishes.  No, that’s “frustrated “ and you can control that outcome. “ Reward reversal”. If they don’t do the work, they lose a reward. No drama, no screaming just natural consequences.  When a person suffering from PTSD is triggered it’s as if someone shot a gun and the person is bombarded by past trauma.  I was in a car accident and nobody from my family came to check on or support me. They actually turned their phones off. Yes, that’s cruel in itself. When you’re a person that’s suffered from abandonment and trauma a situation like that “triggers “ that person to experience every time they were abandoned and in trauma. I said something unkind to a person  that I perceived was reality and the consequences were unreal.  They stopped speaking to me and judged me harshly. Which reinforced the anxiety and proved that I truly was ab...

Is it Gods will for me to be lonely?

 Be free! Ok. What does that look like? Maybe like the photo above? We’ll look into that next.  So. Who’s heard of the “shield of faith?” How many of you have been told to “take it up?” I have. Philippians talks about our “armor “. I've heard it over and over again. People actually depicted it as physically putting on a shield and the Armor of God, but I just couldn’t picture it until today  I thought a shield was a defense weapon. You know, to prevent you from incoming fire. That is true, but what do those darts look like? I mean, wouldn't darts be pretty obvious?  The scriptures say to "quench the fiery darts."  I try to take a different look at scriptures because the reality of them and the "magic, hocus pocus" we've all been taught are so white washed, I just couldn't apply it to my life. It made great "Fairy Tale sense". You know, the knight raises the shield, combats that arrows, puts the shield down and walks away with the girl and t...