
Remember this stuff? I have found some excellent uses for it! Let me tell you about a few: Who in their right, would buy a white bedspread? I loved it so much that I thought, "why don't I Scotchgard it?" So, I did! Guess what, it worked? Staying white. I also Scotchguarded a white living room throw rug. It made the room look so much brighter. In both cases I washed the items first. In the case of the throw rugs, I vacuumed them, then I cleaned them with a spray on cleaner (because I had already used them), I vacuumed them again, sprayed them with Scotchgard and tada! Did I tell you that I have a dog? Yep. He lays on the white throw rug and it's still white. I had a guy come and work in my yard, he had to come in for a moment and guess what....white carpet, not white anymore. So, I tested my theory....I vacuumed it! Guess what? Looks like it never happened. I had a beautiful fabric dining room chairs. They were amazing! I had them for over 11 years...