
Showing posts from March 7, 2019

Do you believe you have favor?

I'm going to tell you a couple of stories (real life events) then pose two questions "Do you believe you have favor ?" and "How would you live differently if you did believe it?" First story. I met a young lady that needed a new robe, slippers and pajamas. What she had was "well used". So, I found out what sizes she wore and said, "Okay Lord, what are you going to do?" I then went to Walmart (Did you know that God uses Walmart?) lol. I walked around and guess what I found? They had a robe in her favorite color, they had bedroom slippers just like her (dead) ones and they had pajamas in the right size and they were all on sale! The robe was $3.00!!!! Nothing was more than $3.00. When I gave them to the young lady she said, "God really loves me." I said, "Yes he does because I told him what you needed and asked him what he was going to do about it and ....tada...this is what he did."  There was something else this young ...

That could not have happened!

Yes, I made a teddy bear and for some odd reason I decided to name it "No Nap!" It was the first bear that I made pajamas for... wrong preposition order...oops.  Anyway, I made the pajamas of the softest material I could find, then I crocheted (who am I) around the fringes to make it look like pajamas. I also made a little blanket to go with it. I did that a few months ago...well around Valentine's day. My little business brain said, "nobody is going to buy a teddy bear named "No Nap!" Are you crazy? Yet to be So, I put him on the shelf with the other "creations" and he just sat there...staring at he was waiting for something. I would go by my "inventory" and say "Sell!" It was like that teddy bear was saying "NO!" I have an vivid imagination by the way. I talked a little about this in my previous blog, but I felt compelled to give my "inventory" away. I had made all these ...

Ink warning: Printer Fatal Error

I have (had) a very nice printer/fax/copier/scanner for years. Then it happened. I ran out of ink. Of course I'd run out of ink before, but this tine there was a "SALE!" Normally I buy only the name brand ink because...well, I'll explain in a minute. But like I said, there was a sale! 'nough said. I could buy 3 ink cartridges at a lower price than I could buy one! Who wouldn't want that? PLEASE DO NOT FALL FOR THIS! So, I bought it (of course or there would be no blog about it). I have an HP printer/everything else. It's been very good to me and I've enjoyed it for many years. Matter of fact I've enjoyed it so long that they don't make them anymore. I read the directions after the printer message said, "Fatal Error" "Printhead" . So, I thought, "I must need to run the "clean the cartridge" and "align the printhead". NOPE! Did not work. So, I took the printhead apart to see what the problem wa...