Is it too late to have firsts?

Okay, yeah so I’m xx years old. Does that mean that there are no firsts left for me to experience? I hope not. Wouldn’t it be terrible to reach a certain age and have done everything there was to do? So, here are some firsts I haven’t had yet. I haven’t had my first skydiving trip, bungee jump, encounter with a real lion... See, there are plenty of firsts left. Now, how about the firsts I might want to have?

Well, first love...yep. Done that. Second love, yep done that too. I have three children and four grandchildren so I have many loves. First marriage, yep. First Divorce...yep. Oh God I hope there aren’t any more!

So, do “first in a long times” count? Let’s try. So, today was the first time in a long time that I’ve gone to the Doctor and my blood pressure was perfect! It was my first Dr visit where I had no symptoms of depression! What? Yes. That’s awesome!

I remember the first night I slept without nightmares! That was amazing. The first night I slept all the way through..oh after infancy. There are so many firsts in life.

So, I’m experiencing my first full time job in a very long time. That’s going well. I’m making my first permanent home in Oklahoma. I have my first home that I picked out just for me. These are all firsts.

I guess it’s not too late. I don’t need a bucket list because I’m not racing to my Doesn’t that sound like what that is. Let’s see.. “I have a bucket list of things to do before I I need to hurry up and do them.” Tonight I was joking with someone about putting “eating puffer fish” on their bucket list. Yep, on my death bed I want to try puffer fish. If someone cooks it wrong, it really won’t matter.

So, nothing really profound tonight, except to say that it has felt good to revisit some firsts. I hope to revisit many more in the years to come. I hope that even your seconds feel like firsts when you realize that do overs are possible and sometimes your second first is the best.


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