
Showing posts from June 2, 2018

PTSD and the Egyptians

There is a story in the Bible that is an awesome illustration of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The Hebrews had been slaves for 400 years. They didn’t start out that way. Joseph was the second highest ruler in all of Egypt when the children of Israel moved there. However, as they grew in number, the Egyptians became afraid of the them as a people. The blessings of the Lord were overtaking the children of Israel and the Jews were seen as a threat. This scenario has  replayed itself over and over again throughout history. But for now let’s look at the “great escape” as I like to call it. Pharaoh had released the people, then changed his mind. The children of Israel saw pharaoh coming and were afraid. After all they’d been slaves for such a long time. They probably had a very difficult time thinking of themselves as free. So, as I said, pharaoh and his full army were approaching a nation of slaves. I wonder if they were afraid that pharaoh would just kill them instead of t...