
Showing posts with the label Is Christianity the only thing worth dying for?

Why was Jesus so angry?

This is not an original perspective, but I don’t remember who said it. So, #theworld . Lol.  I’ve heard the story of Jesus and the table tossing event most of my life and was convinced it was for purely “spiritual reasons “ because these people were betraying the house of God. That’s true, but Jesus had been attacked  verbally and threatened physically by people who were not “good”. So why did this situation bring him to such holy anger that he would table toss? This event happened one week before his betrayal. Was he “venting”?  Here’s the reason. It’s the same reason I am angry at the destruction I see in America.  There are no riots where I live . Most people get along very well, so why does it anger me? In the temple the representatives of God were hurting His people .   They were taking advantage of those who had no advantage.  When I see looters burning buildings and destroying years of hard work ... I get angry. If table tossing would help, I’d be th...