
Showing posts from August 25, 2018

Layin' up some treasures!

I’ve been told that there are two kinds of people in this world, but I beg to differ. The thought is that there are givers and takers.  But I would like to add two more categories to the mix. Consumers and creators. To have a well balanced life you have to be a little bit of all of the above. If all you do is give, you run out of ...well, everything. If all you do is take, it’s never enough. If all you do is consume, life is empty and void of purpose. If all you do is create, you will be frustrated because you might depend solely on your audience for validation. So, I’ve been thinking about the role of a consumer. I’ve been very unhappy for many years. Do not confuse that with joy, True joy never fades because the source is never ending! But happiness is a different animal. I’ve given and given and felt like I was giving into an empty bucket with a hole in it, I’ve consumed and not been satisfied.  I have an allotted amount of money to live on, You see I have outlived my...