
Showing posts from February 24, 2019

God's trying to teach me something

I’ve had this thought throughout my life. Perhaps you’ve had it too. "This bad thing happened because The Lord is trying to teach me something “. I’d like to challenge that thought.  So God is good, right? His mercy endures forever, His mercies are new every morning “.... Did God put the tree in the garden to teach Adam something? Did Jesus go to the cross to learn something ? Did Paul go to prison to learn something?  You see... it doesn’t make sense. Do we go through stuff because we need to learn something? Well, school is something we go through to learn. Experiences are things we go through to learn.  We grow up and learn to take care of ourselves. Are those things difficult? Yes, they can be difficult. They can give you a sense of almost impossibility . Just try to do Algebra when you are "mathematically challenged". lol Here's a question... are these learning phases meant to put us in danger? Could that be the key question?. Does God put us in circumsta...