
Showing posts from June 1, 2018

Healthy people don’t need medicine

Jesus faced the phenomenon of people who thought they were healthy and didn’t need His brand of medicine,  He even stated that He didn’t come for the healthy. He came for the broken. He came for the woman at the well,(John 4:4-26) he came for the 10 lepers,(Luke 17:11-19) he came for the woman caught in adultery,(John 8:1-11) he came for 12 broken men that He called disciples. He interupted their brokenness and brought healing. When Jesus recognized the brokenness of people they had a choice. Each of the people I mentioned recognized their brokenness and chose to receive from Him the thing they needed: Him. We have the same choice everyday. The Pharisees refused to believe there was anything broken about them. They were well in their point of view. They didn’t need Him. There is no condemnation in Christ. If we don’t believe we are broken Jesus will not cross our boundaries and force His medicine upon us. He is a gentleman. He respects our wills. He gave us the ability to c...