Welcome to Texas!

Welcome to Texas, that's what the sign said. "It's a whole new world!" While on the road to Texas I noted many new things. In Oklahoma we had Turnpikes, they ranged in price from $1.50 an exit to $3.50 depending on the number of axils. Turnpikes were often a one way ticket to wherever and if I accidentally took one, there were zero exits, or U-turns. Nope, I just had to stick it out. Once I accidentally got on a Turnpike and ended up half an hour away from my exit just to turn around and go back the other way. However, once I got used to the Turnpike I managed it without much trouble. But here, WOW! They don't have a Turnpike, they have a... I don't know what they call it, but I think it's a "Tag". According to my GPS (it lies!) I went onto the Tag road, It's supposed to be the "fast lane." But if you take it...it will cost you. I didn't know any better and I took the "tag" lane. It's sometimes called the HOV la...