Review of Adult Coloring Books

I keep my! Let me tell you a few things about adult coloring books. I really can't advise you as to which coloring book is the best, but I can tell you what to look for in a coloring book. The paper is the key ingredient. Aren't they all the same? No. I have one by the manufacturer "Crazy Art" that will not take the color. It's full of beautiful pictures, but I have to work really hard to get the color to transfer to the paper. Now, if you're using markers, this is probably a plus as it may not absorb the color to the extent that other paper will. However, I have found it clearly frustrating to have something to help me relax only to be frustrated by it. I have books by: Jade Summer, Cherina Kohey, Dan Morris and New Seasons. These are all excellent coloring books. What's your pleasure? There are many different types of books. Some with dragons, some with hair,, yes you just color the hair (a beautician told me about ...