Blogging rules....
Who knew there were rules to blogging? I mean don't you just talk from your heart or head remembering experiences or talking about things you've learned? I've journalled for years. I didn't have to edit my thoughts. Good, bad or indifferent they were my thoughts. There was one key factor that I didn't realize: People read blogs, they don't read journals. I once joked with my kids about burning my journals, but then I went back to read them and nope I couldn't read my own handwriting. When you journal you basically write about how you feel about something at that particular moment with disregard for anyone else's feelings. Journalling is very personal as it should be. Blogging however is a different animal entirely. I found out that my kids were reading my blog, my sister was reading it and my x-husband was reading it. So, what I was writing in jest wasn't so funny to them. I have since apologized and hope that my future writings will convey...