Chasing rainbows? Stop it!
One of the most damaging thoughts I’ve ever had was supposedly “spiritual “ in nature. “Make sure you’re where you’re supposed to be.” I bet you’ve heard it too. It sounds spiritual... only one problem. It depends solely on me. There is no supporting evidence anywhere in scripture to prove that I have anything or much to do with planning my location to meet Gods need. Wow! The truth will set you free. Let’s take some examples. Mary- mother of Jesus. All 12 disciples Every prophet and king in the Bible. What were they all doing when The Messiah and even Jehovah himself came to them? They were all living ... normal, established lives. Don’t get me wrong. The Lord did appear in a dream to MANY people in the Bible. For example He told Joseph “Get out of where you are and go to Egypt.” Well, ok. Where was Joseph before then? At home being a carpenter. God spoke to men regarding Saul (Paul). He told them where to go and even what to expect. What were they d...