What does need have to do with purpose?

Maybe it’s just me, I’ve been thinking about my life. I’ve been a “fill in the blank” person. In ministry there’s a saying “buy one get one free”. I always knew when I was the “free” part when the hiring committee asked me “do you play the piano” when interviewing my husband for a job at a church. I don’t know what that has to do with anything, but it strikes me as ironic. Would any other kind of work pose that kind of question to a potential employee? Like “Ok. We’re going to hire you as manager of this restaurant.” “Does your wife cook?” “Great! You’re hired. . Back to my point. Did Thomas Edison need a light at night? Did Alexander Graham Bell need to talk to people that weren’t in his immediate location? Did David “in the Bible “ need to be king? I don’t know the true answer to the first two. I do know they had a strong desire to solve a problem. It had to be a strong desire because they failed over and over, until they didn’t. David is a little e...