
Showing posts from June 14, 2018


Decisions, decisions.... as life moves forward we often look back and see that what we once thought was actual fact was in reality only partially true. The opinions you accept will determine your view of truth. I wonder how many people are involved in influencing your truth? Childhood.... it’s a wonder that any of us make it out alive. There are contradictions at every turn. There are things I do at home that I would never do in public and sometimes there are things I go along with in public that I’d never do in my home. So how are we supposed to know the “final answer?” Good question. My Bible even talks about knowing the right answer at the right time. Solomon said that there was a time for everything. Paul said there was a time when he saw and spoke like a child, then he grew up. If I saw a 5 foot statue when I was only one year old I would think it was really tall. Especially if I’m only comparing it to me.  Let say that someone 6 feet tall stands beside a 5 foot  ...