
Showing posts from April 17, 2019

The price of purpose

So much has been written about purpose. It's all good. The Purpose Driven Church/ life , etc. Awesome and inspiring books. It sounds so wonderful. "Find your purpose and your life will matter." Hmmm....Let's take a look at some people in the Bible that knew their purpose and what it cost them. Let's start with King David. He knew when he was just a young boy that his purpose was to be a King. Did he start announcing this? Did he run an ad campaign to make sure he got the popular vote? Nope, he went back to shepherding, then onto bear and lion slaying, then onto giant slaying...then running for his life, then becoming king, then having a man murdered...oh  my gosh! Does the Bible say anywhere...anywhere that to know your purpose is to be successful? I've been listening to "Elevation Church" and "Life Church". The sermons have been quite unique and eye opening. Trust me, I'm a "professional Christian", meaning that if it...