Abuse, codependency and survival
Once I asked a “qualified “ person what was wrong with me? Why did I get hurt so deeply by others? Why did their disapproval of me matter. “What’s wrong with me?” The answer they gave me was awful. They said I was codependent… what? So I depended on others too much and was clingy to find approval??? They were so wrong. They had no clue what it’s like to survive living with abusers. They’re irrational and combust spontaneously. You never know what’s going to happen next. So, you live on guard. You have to judge the mood of the room before you enter it in order to survive. I was also told that I’m a “fixer.” Yes, I have to fix everyone. That’s also a condition of abuse. If the abuser has a problem, fixing it is the only way to survive another day or another moment. When a person is abused most of their lives they have to learn how to think differently. Relaxing is a luxury never afforded them. PTSD is very real. So, when someone sneaks up behind you, yo...