
Showing posts from February 2, 2019

Abortion; misinformation

This is not a political opinion. These are statements of fact. Please share this information so women can make an informed decision regarding a very private matter. I’m talking about abortion. I’m not talking about right or wrong. This has nothing to do with the freedom of choice. I do not intend to preach a sermon. My goal is to enlighten you to information you may not hear from someone else. I understand the male perspective on abortion. Men often see a child as a burden, an interruption in their goals and plans. It’s easier for a man to walk away from an abortion. But a woman... it’s a very different story. A man can not feel that baby move inside them. Men can not comprehend the side effects of an abortion. What do I mean about side effects? I’m not focusing on physical reactions. My focus is to inform you of what happens to most women after an abortion. I heard one Dr say that it was like “water under the bridge”. It passes, it happens, it’s over. Or is it? I have spoken...