
Showing posts from July 27, 2018

Let’s talk about Cain: Forgiveness?

There has been much speculation as to why Cain's offering was unacceptable to God. I’d like to explore a few of those theories. That’s all they can be is theories because there are no real facts or details to give us any real information. (See Genesis 4) The speculation that I disagree with the most is that Cain didn’t bring a lamb. God had not established a covenant yet. The Bible does describe Abel’s offering differently. It states that Abel brought "his best", It says that Cain brought “some”. Then there’s the issue of the heart. I wonder if Abel’s heart and Cain’s attitude were the divining factor? I mean the Bible says that Abel’s offering was accepted. But it says that when Cain’s wasn’t and he got angry at God. He didn't try to fix his mistake. He didn't even ask God to forgive him. No, he got so angry that he took his brother on a walk and Abel never came home. Do you think Cain might have had some problems with his attitude? Now it wasn’t like Cain ...