
Showing posts from December 19, 2018

Stop saying "I Told You So!"

 I've lived a life of "I told you so's". What I mean by that is people have always told me what I needed. Television offers to sell me what I need...whatever that is. I was told that I needed an education...check... I needed to get married...check....I needed a good job...check...I needed to be the best mother on the planet...not so much...check....I needed to be a good wife....not so much ...check...I needed to follow the rules...check...I needed to practice my music...check...I needed to give to those less fortunate than myself...check... I needed to try harder (anybody know what that means?)...check...I needed to unleash my creativity....check....I needed to get a next comes the tricky part. Here is a list of the things I'm not supposed to need: Someone to take care of me, someone to have fun with. I don't need to work outside, I don't need to work too hard, I don't need to go sky diving or zip lining or ride a four wheeler.. ...

An Angel named Harold?

Merry Christmas! Last time I talked about depression. This time I want to talk about Christmas. It may be in a way you've never heard before, so prepare for a surprise. Most of us have heard the "Christmas Story", but how many of us have thought about the secret plan of God and all the restraint it took God to pull it off. He snuck a Savior into the world. He was so excited about it, but he couldn't tell anyone. Well, he did tell some "Wise Men." He also went into the fields and let the angels tell the shepherds secretly. The Wise Men were probably a little gullible. I mean, they went to a king to ask him where the New King was being born. Even if Herod had been a saint he would have been jealous or even felt threatened. Since Herod was not a saint he felt those things times one hundred. He was afraid and he was angry. So, he did what most people do when they are afraid or angry....he lied. "Oh, please tell me when you find this king so I can ...