How do I know you?
I have a unique spiritual outlook on the subject of "knowing someone". I have never lived in one place, until recently, more than five years at a time. It's really hard to get to know anyone like that. My instinct was to tell the new person everything about me, weaknesses, flaws, hope was that they would realize those places were bruised and leave them alone. I couldn't be more wrong. Even those who have gentle hearts can puncture a soul unintentionally. Those who are evil puncture souls for pain's sake. It takes time to get to know someone. Why should it be any different with Jesus? I've heard so many sermons on "Knowing Jesus". I've been led to believe that I should just "know Him.," because I'm born again. How do we get to know someone? Well, first we do what is called "bidding". "Relationship Cure"( by Dr. John Gottman). I say something, you say something, we watch each other respond to dif...