Make Church Great Again!
Make Church Great Again I’ve given this subject a great deal of thought. The Church is supposed to be an institution, a safe haven, a light house, a refuge for the broken. There must be places that still believe in those concepts, aren't there? Is there still room for the broken at church? I'm going to take you through the journey of an individual that went to “church,” searching for the Biblical aspects of The Church. Throughout her journey I'd like you to ask, "What can the church do differently?" Angie has just experienced a life altering change. The people that she cared for, the people she gave her life to care for, have just rejected her. She literally has no one, so, she goes to church. Her prayer is that she will find comfort, let’s see if she finds what she’s looking for. Here’s her story: " I can’t believe that my family has rejected me again. I have no idea what they think I’ve done. I guess I have to start over one more time....