Pain is relative

Has anyone ever told you that your pain is minimal? Have they compared your pain to someone else?

Let me tell you a story and let’s see if you can hear the ridiculousness of those kinds of comments .

I’m a cancer survivor. I still have many side effects from having internal heated radiation and almost 30 surgeries in the past 23 years. 

I was having issues with scar tissue.  It was blocking my intestines and there was nothing that could be done.  I had a gastroenterologist insist on doing a colonoscopy, even though I told him he couldn’t do it . It was awful.  He drugged me and did it anyway I was violated .

When I woke up he told me how bad the scar tissue was.  I started crying.  It’s hard to survive such a huge event only to know there’s more to deal with  

This gastroenterologist told me to cheer up . After all, there were children with cancer???

Cancer is horrible! Why would I feel better knowing a child was suffering like I was. Where is the comfort in that kind of language?? 

Don’t let anyone discount your suffering. It’s YOUR suffering. No one understands it the way you do. 

Pain is relative.  What causes me to experience pain at a 10 may be tolerable to someone else and visa versa . 

When my ribs were crushed and I had 6 stitches and 8 staples in my head a nurse actually laughed at my tears. How dare she? 

Pain can not be compared !  It’s your pain, you feel it the way you feel it. Own your pain  Cry if it helps. I reported that nurse. I was in a trauma unit and her behavior was uncalled for. I not only reported her behavior for myself, but to spare anyone else from her cruelty  

I defended my pain.  I owned it and I got help for it. Pain is your body screaming for attention .  If you ignore it or minimize it, you’ll suffer more  

Own your pain, attend to it and don’t let anyone minimize your pain.  It’s YOUR pain . They aren’t living with it and their disregard can not fix it.  If you ignore pain or minimize it, it will get worse.  Its job is to save your life. Give it your attention, seek help and refuse to be minimized!

Ignore people that give platitudes and comparisons. They don’t understand and they don’t have to . Forgive them for their ignorance. Be grateful that they don’t understand.  Yes, gratitude is a cure for anger. Have pity on them by knowing in your heart that you wouldn’t wish what your going through on anyone else  Then you can forgive  

I’m sorry for your pain  May health be yours  



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