Make Church Great Again!


 Make Church Great Again


I’ve given this subject a great deal of thought. The Church is supposed to be an institution, a safe haven, a light house, a refuge for the broken. There must be places that still believe in those concepts, aren't there? Is there still room for the broken at church?

I'm going to take you through the journey of an individual that went to “church,” searching for the Biblical aspects of The Church. Throughout her journey I'd like you to ask, "What can the church do differently?"  

Angie has just experienced a life altering change. The people that she cared for, the people she gave her life to care for, have just rejected her. She literally has no one, so, she goes to church.

Her prayer is that she will find comfort, let’s see if she finds what she’s looking for. Here’s her story:

 "I can’t believe that my family has rejected me again. I have no idea what they think I’ve done. I guess I have to start over one more time. How can people that profess to love unconditionally have such conditional love. I can’t bear the abuse and I just need help."

“Lord, you said "come to me’ when I needed help. "I don’t see your presence anywhere around me today, so I’m going to church to see if anyone that calls you by name will bring me the comfort that I desperately need.”

 Angie finds a church not far from her house that advertises its belief in community and hope lifts its head. There are traffic directors in the parking lot with signs, but no one lifts a hand to her in greeting. There are ushers at the door, but they say nothing.

 As she walks into the church she sees coffee and donuts and a lot of people gathering around tables, but not one of them greets her.

 “Did I wear the wrong outfit today? I used to wear this to church.” She’s dressed in business casual clothes and shoes. Her hair is meticulous, this is what she sees as normal. Other people are wearing jeans and casual clothes. “Maybe I overdressed?”

 As she walks into the auditorium she decides to sit close to the front. She’s a studious soul and wants to encounter whatever God has planned for her by immersing herself in the service. She knows that God is not in a box or a building, but isn’t the church supposed to be a refuge for the broken?

 She takes her seat and a group of people head toward her. “Maybe they’ll be the people God sent me here to receive from?” she says to herself. She is shocked when they head toward the inner portion of her row, walk over her and say nothing. Her heart is broken.

 With tears in her eyes she stands to leave and no one stops her. Angie’s situation is dire. She needs help, but no one says a word to her.  As she reaches the back of the church she sees a man and she asks if he’s the pastor. A gentleman standing next to him approaches her and says that he’s one of the campus pastors. She asks if she can talk to him.

 Her grief is palpable. When they get seated, she begins by telling him how she’s been treated at his church.

 “I came here today to find support from the Lord. I thought I’d find someone to pray with me or just listen, instead I’m leaving with a sense of rejection. Didn’t God call us to love one another, to minister to the hurting? I just don’t understand.”

 His reply stunned her. “Are you a part of a group?” She breathes deeply and says, “No, I moved here recently and I’ve never been here before.” He proceeds to give her information on ways to “connect.”

 Do you see the irony in this story? He’s basically telling her that if she isn’t part of a group, there’s no way the church can be expected to help her. What is that Church?

 I’m speaking for Angie because her heart is broken and she no longer wants to go to church. She wonders if her Bible is outdated, or are her thoughts of God unacceptable to the new “church”.

 If you read this blog, please don’t blame Angie. She needed a functioning body. She’s seen people in political rallies with more compassion than this church had for her. Where is the body? Where is the heart that’s been broken for the broken?

You may wonder if Angie tried attending a different church and I would tell you that she has tried many. Each of these institutions failed her because they are "institutions." 

Where are you Church? Where is the compassion? Why isn't someone at the door of each building welcoming the broken, not rushing them along? Coffee and donuts are fine, but hurting people need people that are interested in helping, not just making a "group". 

Please watch for Angie at your next service. Please see the unshed tears in her eyes. Shake her hand, introduce yourself, make an effort, Church is not a club...or is it? Make Church Great Again. It's important...


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