I believe I can fly, but I’d rather not


I love this song. 

I believe I can fly, but I’d rather not. 

Have you ever dreamt that you were flying? Did you try to fly when you were a child? Did you jump off a roof (I don’t recommend it) to see if you could fly?  Me too!

Let me tell you about one of the times and hopefully the last time I flew. 

It was a sunny day and all was well. I had a job as a tram driver. I was so excited!  I’m limited to what I can do when it comes to working. This seemed like the perfect job for me. I'd drive a truck pulling a tram in circles.  

The venue I was working for had a concert that night. I was thrilled. I’d be doing something I enjoyed.  Plus I’d get to hear the concert. I had already made a couple of friends, so I was feeling really good. 

The employee parking lot wasn’t finished yet. The venue was a work in progress. I was asked to take a golf cart down a hill and bring employees up the hill. It sounded like fun. 

I was cruising down the hill on the way to the parking area and having a good time. Then I found out what flying feels like. 

As I was going down that hill, something odd started happening. The golf cart got a mind of its own. Sand started coming over the top of the front of the cart, the breaks wouldn't work and I couldn't steer the cart. People asked me if I was afraid, "nope". Why? Well, I was headed to an unguarded ravine and thought to myself, "I probably won't survive this one." I wasn't afraid at all. I know where I'm going and I don't fear death. However, just before I got to the ravine, the cart hit gravel and the wheels started working. I was steering away from the ravine so the wheels were turned hard left. When the golf cart came in touch with the gravel it threw me 5 feet. It was not fun. I was laying on the ground saying, " Please don't let anyone come down that hill." I kept repeating myself. Then I asked people to stand in the sun and keep it off of my left arm. I knew it probably looked like hamburger and when the sun hit it...wow! Oddly enough, there was no damage to my face.

When the emergency workers tried to roll me over there was a lot of screaming, mine. I've never been in that much pain and trust me, I've experienced my share. The ambulance took me to a hospital that specialized in trauma. They thought I'd severed my spine. I was in intensive care for two days, during which they put 6 stiches and 8 staples in my head. 

Being me, I said, "Hmmm. I feel like I'm at office depot." The surgeons were shocked that I could laugh about any of it. After they did the MRI, I was released to a regular room in the trauma unit.

The flight broke all, but one of my ribs on my left side. Yay for the one that wouldn't break, I had gravel embedded in my right arm. Removing that gravel was extremely painful. I had two gashes in my head and I was a mess. But, my spine wasn't broken and I "once again" survived.

It's been over 12 weeks now since that unfortunate flight and I'm doing well. I'm back at work, although I'm in customer service now where it's safe (ish) and I'm enjoying the people I met before.

When people that were at the accident saw me, they cried. They were amazed that I'd go back to work at that company. Then they asked me, "Aren't you afraid to drive a golf cart?" I replied "No, it wasn't the golf carts fault."

I was in a car accident years ago and I had to learn to walk again, but I didn't give in to the fear of driving! Bad things happen. The only time bad things don't happen is when you don't do anything, and then bad things happen because you didn't do anything.

I ended up sleeping in a recliner for over a month. I couldn't turn over or walk without help. Honestly I got very depressed, but here I am again, vibrant and happy. My body was broken, but not my spirit.

I often say "I'm broken." People don't like it when I say that. One day I replied, "look at me! I've had nearly 30 surgeries in my lifetime. My body is broken." But my spirit and my soul aren't. 

It took time to recover from the flight and it wasn't jet lag. It was hard and I am stubborn, but I am still here. I hope to never fly like that again.

I have proof that I can fly, but I'd rather not! See you over the rainbow!


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