Welcome to Texas!

 Welcome to Texas, that's what the sign said. "It's a whole new world!" 

While on the road to Texas I noted many new things. In Oklahoma we had Turnpikes, they ranged in price from $1.50 an exit to $3.50 depending on the number of axils. Turnpikes were often a one way ticket to wherever and if I accidentally took one, there were zero exits, or U-turns. Nope, I just had to stick it out. Once I accidentally got on a Turnpike and ended up half an hour away from my exit just to turn around and go back the other way. 

However, once I got used to the Turnpike I managed it without much trouble. But here, WOW! They don't have a Turnpike, they have a... I don't know what they call it, but I think it's a "Tag". According to my GPS (it lies!) I went onto the Tag road, It's supposed to be the "fast lane." But if you take it...it will cost you.

I didn't know any better and I took the "tag" lane. It's sometimes called the HOV lane. I didn't know I was supposed to have two or more people in the car to get a discount. I was hoping they saw my big dog Daniel. The "fast lane" can cost up to $6.00 per section! Do you hear me screaming? Well, when I got the bill, I was in shock. When I got the bill I also got an offer of a "deal." The deal was, if I put up $57.00 they'd give me a discount from the $21.00 I was charged for taking the "Fast Lane." I don't know, but I looked at that in two ways, blackmail and certainty that I would never take the "Fast Lane" again. 

My GPS gave me the impression (if that's possible) that if I didn't take the "Fast Lane," I wouldn't get to my destiny. One day I asked my daughter, "Is it possible to get to my destination if I don't take the "Fast Lane"? She assured me that it was possible. WOW! I think I saved enough money to buy gas for my car.

Gas is another interesting subject. The day that I arrived in Texas the gas was less than $3.00 a gallon. WOW! I got up the next day and headed out and gas was .30 cents more per gallon. What? I began to watch this trend. So far I have not let my tank get lower than a quarter of the way down. If the gas goes below $3.30 a gallon, I fill up the tank, even if it's not low. For example, this morning gas was $3.19 per gallon. When I went out this evening it was $3.39! Yikes.

Now, let me talk about the drivers on the freeway. Texas has a motto "Drive Friendly, The Texas Way!" I hope I got that right. What in the world does that mean, you ask? I found out on the way out of town to an appointment. If you're in the left lane and even if traffic is stopped in front of you and a Texan wants to get around you, there's a specific kind of "wave" they give you. I don't really understand it because they only use one finger as they fly past me.

Onto the next subject, STAY OUT OF THE LEFT LANE! The left lane it where all the "friendly" drivers live. My first encounter with the "wave" was when I was in the left lane. This lady, I think, took her big truck around me on the right, gave me the "wave" and had to screech to a halt, which is why I was not going any faster. God forgive me, but in order to control my disgust with this behavior I said, "I really wouldn't be upset if that truck over there, just lightly bumped you." Of course I didn't mean it, but it made me feel better.

Now, let's talk about the right lane. I have one word to describe the right lane: incoming! Yes, in the state of Texas the incoming lane merges into the far right lane. If there are only two lanes and you're in the right lane, beware, drivers speed their way to get onto the freeway, whether they have the right of way or not.

But, don't worry, I think I've got it down...or I did, until today. Texas also has a lot of "roundabout's".  My GPS said, "At the round about take the third exit." Okay. It also says to stay in the two left lanes. But it didn't say that I should stay in the right-left lane in order to take the correct exit, which causes Texans to give me the "wave".  A lot of "waving" here in Texas. I guess that's how you drive friendly in Texas.

Don't worry, I've survived so far. Daniel and I are adjusting and I hope that when I get my Texas licensed plate, I too can drive friendly the Texas way!  


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