Anxiety and Seeds

Anxiety and seeds ; what does one have to do with the other ?

I watched Elevation Church online today. Pastor Furdick talked about seeds and shoes.  Hmmm. 

He buried a seed in a pot. When he buried the seed no one gasped , nor did it seem odd. He poured dirt on the seed and again, no one cared. Seeds are supposed to be in dirt. When you’re a seed the dirt is part of the process.

Then he took off his white tennis shoes. He started to put them in the same dirt. People yelled, “don’t do it!” Why? Shoes are not made to be inside the dirt.  Shoes are made to walk on the dirt.

Seeds are a doing inward work. Shoes are for the outward appearance .  Shoes don’t work without feet.  Seeds don’t work without dirt.

Anxiety is often an outward manifestation of an inward experience. Anxiety is something most people bury .  When anxiety builds without purpose  , it produces pain.

Elevation talked about what happens when we are under pressure, it hurts.  The dirt puts pressure on the seed.

Dirt devalues the shoes, but it gives the seed purpose  

The Pastor went on to talk about Joseph.  He was buried by his brothers, Potifer put him in prison .  He experienced ultimate betrayal.  Joseph’s character didn’t change when his brothers stole his beloved coat. He didn’t change or bow to the insult of being wrongly accused.

But! Can you imagine the pressure he was under? He wrote that he wanted to be free from his place of pain.  Don’t we all?

I’ve heard people say , “God has a purpose for your pain.” I’m sorry, but I find no comfort in those words.  However, look at the fruit of Joseph’s tree.  He saved a nation, the very people that betrayed him.  The internal pressure he experienced must have been beyond imagination. 

He had a vision before his brothers threw him into that pit. I have to believe that the vision he had was more real to him than what he was experiencing. The vision watered the seed.

My biggest issue with anxiety is not having a vision.  I’ve had the betrayal, near death experiences, poverty and plenty.  But I had ( have ) no idea what kind of plant I’m supposed to be. The lack of vision allows the anxiety to have free rein, because there is no hope.

As I write this today I pray for you and for myself. “Lord, give me a vision of what this pain will produce.  Give me peace throughout the process. Use the pain for good and let the seeds of my pain give others what they needs to thrive. Give me peace and hope to endure the process . In Jesus name.”

If this speaks to you please leave a comment and share this with those around you that are struggling.  We’ve got to encourage and hold onto each other during the process. Dirt needs food, oxygen and nutrients. Until you find your purpose be  the dirt that gives the seed what it needs. Be the dirt and let the seed produce its fruit  


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