
How many Democrats and Republicans died on 9/11

  I've come to a unique, not unique, revelation today. In two days some of us will relive the worst day in America. There have been wars and tragedies, but nothing like that day. I was standing in my living room and the TV was on. Suddenly my heart stopped. Surely that airplane was going to go around that building. Why aren't they turning? Then...the world fell apart, but American's pulled together. Whoever "they" are have been trying to divide us and I'd like to pose a question....How many Democrats and Republicans died on 9/11? Do you know? I don't. The world and the United States was not one party or another. Who has deceived us? You know, that's what people all around us are trying to do. They are trying to figure out how we got deceived. We aren't deceived....we're Americans. We are not a two party system. Nobody can defend a party...we defend a Union. Do we have to agree on everything... I don't know anyone that agrees on anything eve...

Who will rescue us?

  Define it!      We, in the United States (and elsewhere) are looking for a savior. Some people thought Biden was their savior, some thought that it was Trump. I have a revelation for you, these are men, not saviors. There is only one Savior and only one thing to be saved from: Jesus who saved us from eternal separation from God. Who is going to save America?        We are waiting for an "Intervention." We are waiting for somebody to "care enough" about us to intervene on our behalf, someone in authority to "save the day".  We've given up our power.       I grew up thinking that someone would come and save me from abuse and dysfunction. I went to the altar, begging God to intervene on my behalf. But my idea of intervention and God's plan had very little to do with each other. I thought God's mercy was going to come and "save the day."  His mercy did something much better. His mercy came and showed me the dysfuncti...

He left no bruises

  This is a difficult subject for most people to relate to.  Most abusers leave a physical mark on their victims.  Usually it’s somewhere out of immediate sight , but it’s there.  The person who is physically abused has the ability to show their pain. They are trained not to tell and they rarely do.  It doesn’t usually end well.  What I’m about to say may make some people angry. But it needs to be said.  I’ve met countless women who have suffered mental and emotional abuse , they tried to tell someone, but there were no visible scars.  No black eye. No broken ribs, But the pain was just as real.  The difference is staggering. The physically abused woman heals, her abuser promises not to do it again, then he does   The pattern repeats itself  . I hope all hurting women get help  . The verbally, emotionally or even spiritually abused woman goes to counseling and is often dismissed .  There is no “evidence”  . I have one...

Bow your heads and close your eyes

 This has been the mantra of a powerless church.  We don’t want to “embarrass “ new believers.  What? Christ calls us to be embarrassed! We must abandon ourselves in order to make room for Him.  Church: where are the altar calls? Where are the people that will run to the only God who can save them. Where are we church? Do we have time for altar calls? Do we have time for healing lines? If we don’t then where are we spending our time? Are we ushering sick people out without change and ushering in the next crowd so we don’t make anyone upset? Be upset! People are dying in their delusions. The church has been put on a timer and people are ushered in and out and nothing has changed    Are we busy salving they souls (minds) of men and throwing them into the pit of hell? YES! If we don’t have time for the praise and the process, what are we doing? I’m tired church.  I’m tired of being waved in, ushered around without the power.   I can watch motivationa...

Build that Wall

    “Build that Wall”  is a call directed to those who are called by the name of The Lord, including me. Romans 5:20 " Moreover, the law entered that the offense might about. But 'where sin abounded', grace aboundeth much more."   Grace is our wall.  Sin is abounding in our Nation/World, yet there are many of us still here to stand against evil.  Throughout my lifetime I've heard various commentators state that we (the people of God) should remain silent and let the devil take over; that is a lie!  Here is the Word of the Lord: 12   k  Therefore He said: "A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return.   13   "So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten  1  minas,  2  and said to them, 'Do business till I come.' "  Luke 19:12-13.  We must be found doing the work of the Father, not preaching in pulpits or pointing out faults and drawing div...

The attitude of Kai

  God blessed me with a dog that I named Kai. I already had Daniel, but he needed a friend.  Daniel is a black lab and he’s still a puppy. I had something happen that prevented me from playing with Daniel. Labs need someone to play with  it had been me up until that point   I decided to look  for an answer  God loves Daniel and He loves me .  There’s a particular dog breed that has fascinated me . I was never bold enough to ask for it until that day. I searched for a rescue dog that would be a good friend to Daniel.  When I saw Kai’s face I knew he was the answer to my prayer and a gift from the Lord   Kai is a full blooded Husky. He’s amazing . He is two years old and had been from foster home to foster home.  Kai suffers from PTSD. For some reason he has to be able to see outside   But Kai has something else. He has the ferocity of a wolf . His disability does not prevent him from being who he was created to be. Daniel’s personali...

Daniel and the lions as told by a grandmother I hope you enjoy this video as told by me. 

My fellow Americans

 We are not a people divided. We are a people. State your opinion and I’ll state mine. No yelling , no burning, no looting..that’s not who we are.   Dear Democrat friends, Are you ok with the burning down of cities? Looting? Illegal entry by foreign invaders , cancel culture? I need to know  . What makes us different? What makes us the same? We are Americans, not African Americans or European or Irish Americans... we are Americans. If you’re Black, be black,if you’re  white drink Coke ( now that one is just stupid) read Dr Seuss to your children, buy the original Mr and Mrs Potato Head, say “ he and she”  go to the bathroom according to your parts  stop the stupid! I’m angry,  our laws are not being enforced. Our people are homeless, but tents are put up for “foreign invaders “  terrorists are getting a free pass from celebrities? They have walks around their houses and armed guards. If they want looting, tell them to invite the looters to their h...

This has been on my mind a lot lately

  So, let's get real. I've been thinking a lot about Christians and politics. As I was growing up I remember hearing "never mix the two!" Well, today I'm wondering why? Did Jesus mix politics with himself? Did anyone in the Bible take a stand politically? Let's find out... In the book of Daniel there were three Hebrew young men that were prisoners or servants of a King... politics..right? So, when that King asked them to do something contrary to their solemn beliefs they disobeyed. But I thought you were supposed to obey the laws of the land. You are, unless they are against what God has clearly spoken to you. These three young men had one foundation. "Love the Lord with all your hear, soul, mind, body and strength." "Don't put anything before your love for God." They weren't promised protection or an easy life, but they had a strong conviction. They told the King, respectfully that they recognized his authority in his kingdom, but ...

Deborah , told by a grandmother

The story of Deborah This is s link to a YouTube video. Please leave a comment or a like. Enjoy!