Build that Wall


  “Build that Wall”  is a call directed to those who are called by the name of The Lord, including me. Romans 5:20 "Moreover, the law entered that the offense might about. But 'where sin abounded', grace aboundeth much more."  Grace is our wall. 

Sin is abounding in our Nation/World, yet there are many of us still here to stand against evil. 

Throughout my lifetime I've heard various commentators state that we (the people of God) should remain silent and let the devil take over; that is a lie!  Here is the Word of the Lord:

12 k Therefore He said: "A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return. 13 "So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten 1 minas, 2 and said to them, 'Do business till I come.' "  Luke 19:12-13.  We must be found doing the work of the Father, not preaching in pulpits or pointing out faults and drawing dividing lines. Laws are laws, morals are morals. You can not enforce morals, but you can enforce law.

The church has hidden her talent for generations. I really thought talent meant a gift of some sort, like singing or preaching or any religious action. I was wrong. The theology that we can grow our "talents" through investment and create monetary wealth is short sighted.

Our talent (our gift) is not the gift of "doing". It's the gift of knowing the giver. We can't invest our way into eternity. There is only one gift that lasts: "To do the will of the Father." John 6:38. 

I would make the argument that the following things are things He did not come to do and if we live outside of His purpose....perhaps those are sins.

He did not come to:

Judge the world. 

That's not His job, nor His mission. 

He came to save those who are lost

Bind up the brokenhearted

y "The Spirit of the Lord z is upon me, because he has anointed me to a proclaim good news to the poor. b He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and c recovering of sight to the blind,d to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."

When we bind up the broken hearted, preach His salvation to the Lost and proclaim liberty to the captive we are doing His will.

America. What are we doing to hold up the wall of salvation? What are we doing to proclaim the year of the Lord? What are we doing to set people at liberty? Are we doing the will of Him who sent us? Because we see evil getting worse and worse are we just supposed to "give up" and let the devil have our nation, our people, the souls within our reach? NO!

Build the wall of grace and favor...hold high the Lord's banner...proclaim freedom to those who are bound. Show the love of Jesus! It's important. The church has missed the mark horribly by telling the "world" what they are doing wrong. Do you know who Jesus called out in their sin? The religious people. 

John 8:7

And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her."

Jesus was not talking to the woman who was in danger of being stoned. He was not talking to his disciples. He was talking to the religious people around him that were judging her. 

Matthew 7:1

"Judge not, that you be not judged.

Luke 6:37

"Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;

"For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and t with the measure you use it will be measured to you."

People we've had this all wrong!!!!

We, the people of God have been judging a broken world! Do you hear me? ... "Broken world". It is none of our business telling people who don't know any better that they are sinning. If their heart does not condemn them, who are we? Are you living a perfect life? I think not, Jesus, who lived a blameless life actually died to cover our blame.

There are righteous causes, yes. Being a Patriot is a righteous cause. We are showing others what Heaven is to look like. We are the voice of freedom, *we are not here to judge anyone's moral standing. The only people we are to pronounce judgement on is our brothers, that know better and don't do it. Church is not the time or place for such judgement. Judgement can only be effective when we are on our knees with the one that offended and realize the brokenness they are suffering from. We are to bring them good news.

The devil has taken over most of the world, could it be because the church stayed silent and let the devil have his way? I WILL NOT BE SILENT!

I'm presenting you with a double edged sword today. The first blade of that sword is to take evil out of your own soul. The second blade is to protect those who need Jesus. The world needs Jesus. Right and wrong do exist. Shouting out the things that are wrong never accomplished anything. I am not saying to keep quiet. I am saying that we should shout out the goodness of the Lord and let people know there is hope. *We can and should enforce the laws, but we can not enforce morality, we can only live a life of example.  Not DOING! Being!

Let me end this by taking it one step further. Who are the people that should know the law: our leaders, both political and religious? Have they (we) become like the scribes and pharisees, they know, but inforce random nonsense rules instead of holding up the truths that our nation and our citizenship are founded on? God is good. A relationship with Jesus is personal. The Bible is not a conditional agreement nor is our Constitution up for interpretation. 

Hold up the wall...who's with me?

I would like to thank my Mother Rachel V. Jeffries for her valuable input in helping me research this blog.


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