How many Democrats and Republicans died on 9/11


I've come to a unique, not unique, revelation today. In two days some of us will relive the worst day in America. There have been wars and tragedies, but nothing like that day.

I was standing in my living room and the TV was on. Suddenly my heart stopped. Surely that airplane was going to go around that building. Why aren't they turning? Then...the world fell apart, but American's pulled together.

Whoever "they" are have been trying to divide us and I'd like to pose a question....How many Democrats and Republicans died on 9/11? Do you know? I don't. The world and the United States was not one party or another. Who has deceived us? You know, that's what people all around us are trying to do. They are trying to figure out how we got deceived.

We aren't deceived....we're Americans. We are not a two party system. Nobody can defend a party...we defend a Union. Do we have to agree on everything... I don't know anyone that agrees on anything even in my own household. However, there is one document that pulls  us together and someone is trying to shred it. Yes, the Bible is our foundation, but even if you don't agree with me on that, surely you agree that the document we all decided to live together  by is the Constitution of the United States. End of discussion.

If a person violates that Constitution, they violate family. They  may have taken God our of school, they may have stopped saying the "Pledge of Allegiance" BUT they didn't take it out of my house. I lived as an American, I still do. There are no other arguments.

Whoever, they are is trying to distinguish us by a name: Democrat - Liberal or Republican- Patriot.

Lies. We are American's. Our soldiers are not divided into parties, they are buried under the all encompassing word: Soldiers.

America, I need you. 

Do you remember what you felt that September 11th day...not so long ago? We got together as a nation. We took out our Bibles and our flags and went to church to ask for God's help to heal our nation.

I ask Him again, heal our nation…

I stand with you. Can we hold hands across this nation "under God" and pray for Him to forgive us for allowing "they" to divide us.

They don’t win! We’re Americans. 


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