The attitude of Kai


God blessed me with a dog that I named Kai. I already had Daniel, but he needed a friend. 

Daniel is a black lab and he’s still a puppy. I had something happen that prevented me from playing with Daniel. Labs need someone to play with  it had been me up until that point  

I decided to look  for an answer  God loves Daniel and He loves me . 

There’s a particular dog breed that has fascinated me . I was never bold enough to ask for it until that day.

I searched for a rescue dog that would be a good friend to Daniel.  When I saw Kai’s face I knew he was the answer to my prayer and a gift from the Lord  

Kai is a full blooded Husky. He’s amazing . He is two years old and had been from foster home to foster home. 

Kai suffers from PTSD. For some reason he has to be able to see outside  

But Kai has something else. He has the ferocity of a wolf . His disability does not prevent him from being who he was created to be.

Daniel’s personality is super friendly. He thinks the world was created for him to play in and with every creature on it  

I was concerned that Daniel would not be protective of me or even bond with me  He had a different purpose.

So I brought Kai home, understanding his issues  He laid in my lap the entire drive home I still didn’t know Kai. I didn’t know his story  I only knew that he’d never found “home”. 

He and Daniel play like they are brothers  Kai has taught Daniel some very good lessons. Kai has taught Daniel to bond with me, to even be jealous over me. He is not satisfied unless he is sleeping at my side. Meanwhile Kai waits until Daniel goes to sleep and takes his place at the foot of the bed.

Kai has an entirely different attitude towards what he perceives is his.  

The neighbor’s dog snuck through my fence. He is a medium size dog and Daniel has played with him often.

When this dog saw Kai he froze in place. Kai froze in place too. There must have been 10-15 feet between them.  As soon as the neighbor’s dog headed home, back through the fence, Kai literally flew off the deck  chased the other dog back into its yard and stopped at the fence.

Kai didn’t hurt that dog, but where Daniel would have been welcoming Kai had the attitude of “not in my yard!”

That dog won’t even come near the fence line. Kai asserts his authority and reminds that dog who is boss by peeing on the fence. A little reminder not to bother crossing that line . He won’t tolerate anything that gets in his space .

He and Daniel wrestle and play  Daniel has learned to grab Kai by his collar and drag him where he wants to go.  Kai just goes along with it  His purpose is to keep Daniel fit and healthy, but he gave us the bonus of showing Daniel how to bond with me and how to protect what belongs to him. ( our home and me) .

Iwant to have the attitude Kai has  I’ve been more like Daniel. If you come into my yard we should just play.  Daniel is kind and gentle and tolerant.  If another dog shows aggression Daniel will move on.

Not Kai. If you get in his space and he does not consider you a part of his family he will let you know that you are not welcome.  But with Daniel and I, he’s as gentle as a puppy.

I watched Kai today and asked the Lord to give me that same attitude. To be loving when it was  called to be, but to stand strong as a Lion against anything that does not belong in my life.

God is teaching me a lot through a beautiful animal I didn’t even think to ask for . He’s fulfilling his purpose of keeping Daniel healthy with the bonus of teaching Daniel to take a stand and to bond with me .

So, I ask for the attitude of Kai. Let me be fierce when the time calls for it and tolerant when time calls for tolerance all the while being aware of my limitations without letting them stop me from being all that God has called me to be.

Kai didn’t stop and tell the other dog “I have a disability and I’m not worthy to take my place.” No, he said , “this is my place, how dare you cross that line?”

I want to be as friendly as Daniel and as full of purpose as Kai.  My disabilities don’t make me vulnerable to the enemy. The enemy doesn’t need to know my disability.  The enemy only needs to know that I will be all that God made me to be ... fearless,


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