This has been on my mind a lot lately


So, let's get real. I've been thinking a lot about Christians and politics. As I was growing up I remember hearing "never mix the two!" Well, today I'm wondering why? Did Jesus mix politics with himself? Did anyone in the Bible take a stand politically?

Let's find out... In the book of Daniel there were three Hebrew young men that were prisoners or servants of a King... politics..right? So, when that King asked them to do something contrary to their solemn beliefs they disobeyed. But I thought you were supposed to obey the laws of the land. You are, unless they are against what God has clearly spoken to you.

These three young men had one foundation. "Love the Lord with all your hear, soul, mind, body and strength." "Don't put anything before your love for God." They weren't promised protection or an easy life, but they had a strong conviction. They told the King, respectfully that they recognized his authority in his kingdom, but they served another King...Jehovah. So, they rebelled in a peaceful protest. They didn't run or hide or burn down anything or commit any acts of violence. They said, "Okay King, if the only way we can serve our God in your eyes is for us to be cast into a fiery furnace, we choose the furnace." (My version) then they added, "If God saves us, great. If He doesn't, we still won't bow". Of course they didn't mention that if they were thrown into the fire they wouldn't get a second chance to bow. All or nothing...

In the previous chapter of Daniel, Daniel himself took a stand. The government (King) said, "eat what I feed you." Daniel and his three friends said "no." Feed us what we know is right in the eyes of God and then judge the difference." So, the government officials fed the Hebrew Children according to their customary diet. The proof was not in the volume of their protest, but the evidence of their conviction. The King was amazed at the difference in these young men and promoted them.  

Daniel again was challenged when he kept his covenant with God and prayed three times a day. He was bold, he prayed with the windows open. He was not ashamed of his relationship with God. His enemies in the government decided to trick the King into killing Daniel. They made the king believe that he was a god and that nobody should pray to anyone but him. Interesting. These government officials knew that Daniel prayed every day at the same time with the window open. It was a "set up". So, they made sure that the king saw Daniel doing what he always did. The king was very upset. He loved Daniel, but these government officials had tricked him. If he didn't do as he said they would overthrow him, but if he kept his word, Daniel would lose his life. 

Daniel didn't rage. He told the king that he knew what he had to do and that His God would spare Him from the mouths of the lions. The next day the King comes to see what's happened to Daniel. He must have had some sort of faith or why bother looking? The king called down to Daniel and said, "are you still alive?" Daniel replied ( my wording) "Yep, just enjoying time with your big kitty kitties." 

The king was relieved and he had an answer to his problem now. Since Daniel stood and did not fight the king, but did not give in either the king was free to do what was right. In this instance, those who wanted Daniel dead or would overthrow the government ended up having the fate they wished upon Daniel.. The kitty kitties did not play nice with these government officials.

What about Paul? His entire ministry was political. Yes, his job was to go on trial before Caesar and proclaim Christ. He was so convincing that instead of killing him, they put him on an Island where he finished writing the New Testament. He used his political power by saying" You can't just kill me without a trial because I am a Roman citizen and can only be judged by the Roman government."

The government in the days of Christ was the "religious rulers". They made the law and determined the rules. Sound familiar? Did Jesus comply with any of their ridiculous rules. Nope! He didn't protest or invade or destroy, he simply stated his peace and kept on stating it. It did end up costing his life, but he had planned to give it up anyway.

What are we supposed to do today? Well, if the policies were simply about personal preference, why would we need to intervene? But sadly, they have become much more lethal and if we do not get involved we deserve what we get.

I won't tell you what is right and what is wrong, but I will lead you to the Bible's definition of right and wrong. Killing Babies....wrong. Forcing people to stop living their lives and stay out of church...wrong.. You getting paid for my work...believe it or's against God's plan. He clearly says that what you sow you will reap, not that what your neighbor or government sows you will reap. Hmmm... 

These are real issues. The government is no longer about freedom of choice it's now their freedom to choose for you. If we don't stand, we deserve what we get. The devil is a bully! Jesus never  bowed to bullies and neither should we.


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