Bow your heads and close your eyes

 This has been the mantra of a powerless church.  We don’t want to “embarrass “ new believers.  What?

Christ calls us to be embarrassed! We must abandon ourselves in order to make room for Him. 

Church: where are the altar calls? Where are the people that will run to the only God who can save them. Where are we church?

Do we have time for altar calls? Do we have time for healing lines? If we don’t then where are we spending our time? Are we ushering sick people out without change and ushering in the next crowd so we don’t make anyone upset?

Be upset! People are dying in their delusions. The church has been put on a timer and people are ushered in and out and nothing has changed   

Are we busy salving they souls (minds) of men and throwing them into the pit of hell? YES!

If we don’t have time for the praise and the process, what are we doing?

I’m tired church.  I’m tired of being waved in, ushered around without the power.   I can watch motivational speeches from home.  Where will we encounter THE POWER?

Why go to church ? To soothe our conscious? Is it working? For years I’ve entered the church and left without sensing the POWER I need to get me through another day.  

People are dying from loneliness and suicide. Do we even know they were at church?

Church has become convenient. The Word has been watered down to motivational speeches. Enough! 

Run to the altar! Run to the healer or get out of the way.  

I’ve wasted time trying to affect political change and Satan himself has been laughing and driving people crazy.  He’ll play all the political games you can dish out.  He can not fight the Word of God and the blood of Jesus. Bring on boldness. Bring on the Word of God. Bring on the blood.  

Who cares who’s president if there is no Savior?


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