Who will rescue us?


Define it!

    We, in the United States (and elsewhere) are looking for a savior. Some people thought Biden was their savior, some thought that it was Trump. I have a revelation for you, these are men, not saviors. There is only one Savior and only one thing to be saved from: Jesus who saved us from eternal separation from God.

Who is going to save America? 

    We are waiting for an "Intervention." We are waiting for somebody to "care enough" about us to intervene on our behalf, someone in authority to "save the day".  We've given up our power. 

    I grew up thinking that someone would come and save me from abuse and dysfunction. I went to the altar, begging God to intervene on my behalf. But my idea of intervention and God's plan had very little to do with each other. I thought God's mercy was going to come and "save the day."  His mercy did something much better. His mercy came and showed me the dysfunction I was accepting as a permanent reality and gave me strength to get in the way of (to interrupt) that dysfunction.

    God did not send  a savior into the world to strike down Hitler. He didn't and won't send a savior to restore our Constitution or sense of right and wrong. .Why are we expecting God to come and strike down those with evil intentions? He's never done it before. He does not intervene on our decisions nor does he interrupt the consequences for those decisions. 

Enter the interrupters!

    Moses was an interrupter as were the  signers of the Declaration of Independence and those that fought for freedom from slavery. These people believed in what they fought for and were willing to give up their freedom and lives to attain it. 

Define evil! 

    We've stopped agreeing on what evil is! There are two documents that we, as a nation, have chosen to determine what qualifies as evil; the Bible and the Constitution. 

    Is murder evil? Yes, all murder is evil! Why are people being released back into our streets when they have murdered innocent children? Do politics determine evil and good? 

    We've stopped giving the same consequences for evil. We have given evil conditions. If you are of a certain group you are given freedom to steal, kill, destroy....Why? Are your intentions pure? Are you fighting for justice? If you are, then why are you murdering people? That's not justice and it's not a cause. It's a lie!

    If we don't know what evil looks like, how do we fight it? When we decide what it looks like, what do we do then? 

    We have a nation that is falling away from it's own heritage..our own Constitution, our documents of Truth (The Bible); this is not new and it didn't happen over night. 

    We stopped fighting evil in order to dissect it.  We've concocted quite a list. If you're hair is too long, you are evil. If your skin is a different shade than mine, you are evil. (evil sometimes just means less than).

Ruling Ideology:

 If you do it like me then you're okay. 

The Uniting Force of Evil:

    What is the uniting force that holds evil together? Hope. Yes, you read that right. I hope that I am right, I hope that you are wrong, I hope that my way works, I hope that your way doesn't. People sell hope all the time. "Buy my detergent," "invest in my product," "believe like I do." and you shall be saved; what, your laundry, your money and your future? We sell our hope way too cheaply. 

A Genuine Definition of Evil:

    Let's define evil for this generation. These definitions are not open to interpretation, they are factual. There are gray areas of life, but these are black and white. Why? Because we as a nation have agreed on them. Evil: lying, cheating, stealing, murder, slavery, prejudice, injustice.

    How have we fallen out of agreement of what evil looks like? Who has betrayed our sense of right and wrong? Why are we questioning the definition of evil and labeling it as a disagreement.  

    Let's go back to definitions: Prejudice is dividing people using the assumption that only "I" am right. Critical Race Theory...prejudice. ."You owe me because of what you have and what I don't". 


    We must agree on it as well.   "All men are created equal" We are not the same. I do not have the same opportunities that you do, nor you I. My opportunity does not determine my equality to you.  Sameness is NOT justice. 

    Here are more agreements we made Constitutionally. "The government shall not determine who and how people will worship." "The government and military shall NEVER be used against its own people."" The government is meant only to protect its nation". "Laws are meant to guide a nation and hold in contempt those who violate it". Oaths are taken to be kept.

   When we stopped agreeing that stealing was wrong  we took power away from the police.  When we stopped agreeing that prejudice was wrong, we started segregating. 

    Here's another one: Socialism works. No it doesn't. Nothing is free! Read the Bible, read the Constitution. Socialism plainly takes what I have worked for and gives it to someone else to distribute.  I don't owe you anything, but kindness. You don't owe me anything, but kindness. Mercy is reserved for those who choose to give it. You can not regulate mercy. You can not dictate mercy. You can dictate Justice. But JUSTICE has to look the same in every light!

 Reality Check

   America: When did we get fooled into believing that all things are created equal and that there are "causes" that allow us to break the law we agree on? 

    When did justice become an opinion? When did freedom lift the cover over her eyes to see who it was that was being prosecuted?. Why have one group of people been arrested while others go free?

 We have lost our definition of evil. We have sold it to the person who talks the most or the loudest. 

Liberty and Justice for ALL

    You kill someone, anyone, you suffer the consequences. If you harass innocent people eating their dinner, you are disturbing the peace and must suffer the consequences.


    People. you are FREE (within limitation) to choose. There is an entire world of choices. If you believe that Marxism is the way, there are countries that practice it, go there. If you believe that Socialism is the answer, there are many countries that would welcome your free labor. Do not expect me to change my definition to fit your comfort level. There are absolutes!

    Your choice of absolutes will dictate whether you are merely someone who thinks he/she is a savior, someone that uselessly intervenes or someone who interrupts. America! We need interrupters!!!!


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