
You Get What You Pay For

The purpose of this blog is to pose a question....what can't you buy? Yes, I know, money can't buy me  Can money buy loyalty? Can fear buy loyalty? Can bullying change a persons heart?  It's not an understatement to say that I've been concerned for this nation. I've looked back through history and seen many nations, if not all nations bow to "power", the rich, the most violent or loudest voices. It's frightening to know that the nation of Germany, that was once a Christian nation fell to become a nation that exterminated Jews (God's chosen people). How did they get that far away from their foundation? What we are facing now is not new. What are we facing? Let me be clear. I am not into conspiracy theories, I am a good listener. If you listen you will find out the intent of a person's heart and actions. So, what have I been hearing?  The agenda.... 1) Kill babies even up to and after they are born. 2) Take away every "American...


  My following statements are NOT about who I voted for; that’s nobody’s business.  I am angry for only one reason. Illegal activity in my United States. We can not wait two more years and act like all is well. It is not well! We’ve had a move of God. Now we need a move of the people.  Church.. activate! Meet at city hall, the courts snd not only pray, but object. Object to lawlessness. Impose the laws of the land. Investigate this farce.  It’s up to us. Nobody is coming to fight for us. Pennsylvania.   We can’t come help your people rebuild just to see it torn down again.  California we can’t restore your beauty while you allow crap to happen in the most beautiful part of our country.  It’s on us. Gather together and insist that justice be done. Wake up America. We are in danger.  Who ever wins justly will be president ... justly. Demand justice !  Churches stop allowing these terrorists to keep you locked out of your churches. Take the door...

Wake up sleeper!

  Have you been in the same coma I’ve been in? It’s unbearable.   I had a talk with the Lord today. Before “the plague “ the songs “Rattle” and “The Blessing “ were written and recorded. You can find them on YouTube under Elevation worship.  I’ve struggled with this concept mentally. I’ve asked myself “Did God get it wrong?”  “Are these songs the Word of the Lord? Didn’t he see this coming?” The words of these songs speak the heart of God. They are from the mouth of God, scripturally. But the noise of this world is screaming fear and lies. So what else is new? I realize that the devil has been practicing his tactics for eons.  There’s nothing new.  Or is there? Today I saw something “new “ not in the devils tactics but in the reaction of the church and the American citizen. We are uniting! We are humbling ourselves on our knees in victory, we’re not begging or pleading , we’re standing from our knees.  I don’t know if other “Christian “ nations were aw...

Food for Thought

Let me say first that the only thing that will keep you out of Heaven is not recognizing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. But I found this interesting... Who and when did Jesus not forgive by his own name ? He said the following words: New International Version Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots." I noticed this the other day. If you look throughout the New Testament life of Jesus you see him constantly say, "I forgive you." Look up the references. It's amazing.He also did not plainly give his forgiveness to the Scribes or Pharisees, because they did know better or should have known Him. In His humanity....we forget that part. He was God and  man . Was He God and Man at the Cross? Yes. The sacrifice would not have been enough unless God himself shed his own blood. WOW!! But on the cross...  Take note of who He was asking God to forgive and what they were doing at th...

Which side of the stone are you on?

  An odd title, right? I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my relationship with Christ lately. During my contemplation I got a picture in my mind. I hope you can see it as clearly as I did.  I imagined myself in the tomb of Jesus, after the stone was rolled away.  Meaning, that I recognize the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and I have a very personal relationship with Jesus.  But...I was still inside the tomb waiting for him to come back. It was safe there but it was lonely. I was (am) born again, but I’m standing on the wrong side of the stone. The opposite side of that stone is frightening. There are people there, expectations, responsibility and relationships. I’ve heard these words so many times  “Jesus is enough”.  I’ve written several blogs about my version of those words. However this picture clarified my thinking about the importance of relationships.  After the cross and resurrection, before he ascended to Heaven, he did no...

Does Jesus Hate Rich People?

  Growing up I heard the  exchange between Jesus and (in Mark 10)“the rich young ruler” recounted many different ways. Doesn't the Bible say shortly after this conversation:"How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the Kingdom of God”... Imagine my surprise as I heard a very different opinion in a message today (10/04/20) at Church on the Move in Broken Arrow from Pastor Ethan Vance.  In verses 17-23 the rich young ruler  ran to Jesus. He desperately bowed down at Jesus feet and asks , “What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” Jesus replied by rehearsing the law, which the rich young ruler already knew.  The man replied , “ I’ve done all of that since I was a child.” (My wording). He wanted more than he already knew. He realized something was missing. I don’t think he realized he was talking to the one who came to bring us what was missing: relationship with himself.  Throughout the years I heard this story recounted with the instructions ...

How do I know you?

  I have a unique spiritual outlook on the subject of "knowing someone".  I have never lived in one place, until recently, more than five years at a time. It's really hard to get to know anyone like that. My instinct was to tell the new person everything about me, weaknesses, flaws, hope was that they would realize those places were bruised and leave them alone. I couldn't be more wrong. Even those who have gentle hearts can puncture a soul unintentionally. Those who are evil puncture souls for pain's sake.  It takes time to get to know someone. Why should it be any different with Jesus? I've heard so many sermons on "Knowing Jesus". I've been led to believe that I should just "know Him.," because I'm born again.  How do we get to know someone? Well, first we do what is called "bidding". "Relationship Cure"( by Dr. John Gottman). I say something, you say something, we watch each other respond to dif...

Why was Jesus so angry?

This is not an original perspective, but I don’t remember who said it. So, #theworld . Lol.  I’ve heard the story of Jesus and the table tossing event most of my life and was convinced it was for purely “spiritual reasons “ because these people were betraying the house of God. That’s true, but Jesus had been attacked  verbally and threatened physically by people who were not “good”. So why did this situation bring him to such holy anger that he would table toss? This event happened one week before his betrayal. Was he “venting”?  Here’s the reason. It’s the same reason I am angry at the destruction I see in America.  There are no riots where I live . Most people get along very well, so why does it anger me? In the temple the representatives of God were hurting His people .   They were taking advantage of those who had no advantage.  When I see looters burning buildings and destroying years of hard work ... I get angry. If table tossing would help, I’d be th...

Consider this...or not

I have heard the words,, "Consider this"... many times throughout my life, but today I have a different perspective on that phrase. Has anyone ever said anything to you that made you question our own intelligence, your abilities, your talents ,your purposes or even... your purchases? Uh oh! Recently I purchased a puppy.  My "Lincoln" passed away last year (Australian Shepherd). He was the love of my life for ten years. He was a stabilizing force in my unstable world of change.  When he passed away I tried to go it alone. If any of you have lost your best friends you know it's not that easy. Months passed and I brought another shepherd into my home, hoping to find the same temperament, but there was no connection between us. I worked with him and he stopped chewing, became potty trained and even stopped digging. He was 10 months old, so we had some bad habits to break. I could never love him like I did Lincoln. Now, "Captain Obvious" nothing can be repl...

Wait...I forgot something

Do you feel hopeless and helpless? There are thousands, if not millions of people who feel the same way.  I want to scream “somebody do something! “ The next day I wake to the same thing and repeat my cry “somebody do something!” I can honestly say that I do not know what to do. We are the light of this world, we are salt and light.  I find myself asking “what can I do ?” And honestly feel defeated.  It’s like evil has the microphone and I can’t push the mute “rational” commercial breaks. No breaks at all.   It has affected my soul and left me feeling hopeless. I still don’t know what “to do”. I even spoke with a police officer and said “can’t ‘We The People’ go to the places where anarchy is ruling, take our guns, as citizens and take our cities back?” I was upset at the truth. “Our second amendment does not allow for a citizen to put his/herself in harms way.”  The police are what holds evil in check. Their hands are bring tied to bricks, people ar...