Food for Thought

Let me say first that the only thing that will keep you out of Heaven is not recognizing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. But I found this interesting...

Who and when did Jesus not forgive by his own name? He said the following words:

New International Version
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots."

I noticed this the other day. If you look throughout the New Testament life of Jesus you see him constantly say, "I forgive you." Look up the references. It's amazing.He also did not plainly give his forgiveness to the Scribes or Pharisees, because they did know better or should have known Him.

In His humanity....we forget that part. He was God and  man. Was He God and Man at the Cross? Yes. The sacrifice would not have been enough unless God himself shed his own blood. WOW!!

But on the cross... Take note of who He was asking God to forgive and what they were doing at the time. He was speaking of the guards at His feet that were "casting lots" for his garments. He had been beaten by His own people,  betrayed by His own. He forgave people who the Scribes and Pharisees said were "sinners."  Many through no fault of their own.

These men who were at the cross were soldiers. They were obeying orders. They were rejoicing in his death....a death they could not understand until the earth shook and the soldiers realized what they had done. But God...who was rectifying the absolute sin of betrayal....the sin of rejecting Himself....the sin of giving away His creation that he gave to man (humans) was paying the ultimate price for all nations . All people 😳

When  he asked God himself to forgive these men (Romans)...They weren't Israel. They weren't His Chosen People...they were soldiers. He himself did not take the responsibility to forgive them. They were not at the time...His people.

Let me clarify... He is for the Jewish people. They did what had to be done. He went into Hell itself to “buy” back the nation of Israel . They are still Gods chosen people. My observation is merely about a moment in time when he did not have to redeem me and did it anyway. This was a beautiful picture of love for those of us who were not called by His name, until that moment.

Wow! The veil split in two! From the top to the bottom. The earth quaked...the sun hid. This was a huge deal. The Roman government didn't fail, the roman buildings didn't, The Veil in the the temple was torn. His chosen people (Abraham's descendants)...from Adam to the day of the Cross. Those were the people who were being held accountable... not the gentiles. His pain was intense....and he thought of me....and you...


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