You Get What You Pay For
The purpose of this blog is to pose a question....what can't you buy? Yes, I know, money can't buy me Can money buy loyalty? Can fear buy loyalty? Can bullying change a persons heart?
It's not an understatement to say that I've been concerned for this nation. I've looked back through history and seen many nations, if not all nations bow to "power", the rich, the most violent or loudest voices. It's frightening to know that the nation of Germany, that was once a Christian nation fell to become a nation that exterminated Jews (God's chosen people). How did they get that far away from their foundation?
What we are facing now is not new. What are we facing? Let me be clear. I am not into conspiracy theories, I am a good listener. If you listen you will find out the intent of a person's heart and actions. So, what have I been hearing? The agenda....
1) Kill babies even up to and after they are born.
2) Take away every "American" right that was fought and paid for in blood.
3) Cease all religion and lock down every citizen.
4) Disarm citizens.
5) Cancel or change this country's history.
Are any of those things okay with you? I don't have a huge platform for such deep ideas, but hopefully this will make enough noise to get someone's attention.
The difference between every nation before the USA is that....they were not Americans. We the people fought an entire nation with just a few stubborn people that believed in their principles enough to die for them. Our heros' gave those of us who survived a freedom that they did not live to see. That is profound to me.
We seem to be in a world full of " us" vs. "them" right now. Nobody saw 2020 coming. If I had told you a year ago that people would be burning down cities and other people would be bailing them out you never would have believed me. If I told you that protecting your own property would land you in'd never have believed me. But here we are...
We bowed to "better thinking" to control a virus. It cost us freedom. Look around you. Can you go and do as you pleased as you did last year? I see the hand playing out on the world stage. Propaganda... "If I say it long enough, you'll believe it."
I fully acknowledge that this virus is deadly. The argument has been presented that the cure should not be worse than the disease. I agree. costs too much.... Is this disease life threatening? Yes. It has also become freedom threatening. "You can't go to church, you can't go to school, you can't hug each other, you can't comfort the dying." When you take those freedoms out of the equation it is easy to dishearten a nation. Have you been disheartened? I have. I stood in line 3 hours in the rain to vote. Yet, corruption ...where is justice?
I've seen people come together that have absolutely nothing in common, except love for this country. We are still a people yearning to be free! Are we capable of remaining free? What can we do that other nations failed to do in order to keep their freedom? The only word that comes to my mind is "stand". They have chained up our police, they have tried to buy our freedom through paying bullies to destroy our heritage and accomplishments in order to put us into the mold of Socialism: the rich get richer and the less fortunate die. That is not an understatement. Communism steals from those who work and gives it to those win power. The rulers get rich and the poor die. You see, it's not that we can "give in" and "wait it out." The only thing on the other side of freedom is death.
What is the price for freedom? It's already been paid. It cost unsurmountable loss of blood and enormous commitment of a people that refused to be enslaved by a much larger nation. America, we are the much larger nation. Will we allow this nation to become the enemy of freedom? Will we allow others to impose their rules that are against our foundational principles? Will you? Will I?
We need faith. Not the kind of faith that says, "it will be what it will be." No, the kind of faith that says "not on my watch!" In our kindness and our gentleness we have forgotten righteousness. Righteousness demands justice. We are a nation founded on a desire to worship freely. Are we! Will we betray all those that died before us? Will I? Will you?
I listen to the news and I hear "this happened and it was against the law" and then...nothing. No consequences for any evil. None. Law abiding citizens have taken to the streets to show their support for this nation, for each other, not in violence, not to destroy, but to build up and what has happened? BULLIES
The "powerful" can not buy my freedom. The "elite" can not destroy my allegiance to this nation and to my God. I will be kind, but this is my country. They don't have enough money to pay those who came before me and risked everything so that I can breathe free. They have no power over the dead.
Keep rallying, let them hear our voices, protect the weak from the bullies. The American spirit is to build, not tear down. When pur people have been faced with natural disasters Americans have driven from all over the nation to rebuild. We the people....we rebuild.
Terrorists are tearing our nation apart. They are burning it down. We stand up to rebuild and the "powerful" release them from jail to burn it down again. America ... how determined are we? If we give in a little, we lose everything.
As soon as these bullies subvert the law, they are free again. Why are we sitting on our hands and submitting to this crap. No pulling punches people. Why are We the People putting up with our culture, our freedoms, our heroes being burned down and destroyed? Who are we?
It's coming people....the challenge for freedom...the choice to fight, the chance to live or's coming. This is not about a man, denomination or a political party! It's about freedom. We are not a stupid people. You can't tell me that suddenly, for the first time in our history, in the age of technology people were suddenly told to stop counting votes? If we believe that lie then we deserve what we get. PROPAGANDA..."IF I SAY IT LONG ENOUGH IT WILL BECOME TRUE."
Yelling "It isn't fair" or "it is not just" will do nothing, but give you a sore throat. If justice were to be had, broken laws would have consequences. Do you see any consequences? Silence will reap consequences....death.
We must turn to the God of Justice and cry out for this nation. "God we stand between Heaven and Hell. We stand between freedom of religion, support for Israel, peace on this earth... what would you have us do?" We will stand. We will lift the arms of those who get weary, we will stand in the place of the fallen. What do we have to lose? Everything! Everything!
We call on the God of Heaven and ask Him to send Angel armies and avenge those who died for our freedom and demand justice for the innocent that have shed their blood only for convenience sake. God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus...we demand Justice! We will not go without a fight. Please show us what each of us can do to save this nation from the rule of evil. Please...