Does Jesus Hate Rich People?


Growing up I heard the  exchange between Jesus and (in Mark 10)“the rich young ruler” recounted many different ways. Doesn't the Bible say shortly after this conversation:"How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the Kingdom of God”...

Imagine my surprise as I heard a very different opinion in a message today (10/04/20) at Church on the Move in Broken Arrow from Pastor Ethan Vance. 

In verses 17-23 the rich young ruler  ran to Jesus. He desperately bowed down at Jesus feet and asks , “What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” Jesus replied by rehearsing the law, which the rich young ruler already knew.  The man replied , “ I’ve done all of that since I was a child.” (My wording). He wanted more than he already knew. He realized something was missing. I don’t think he realized he was talking to the one who came to bring us what was missing: relationship with himself. 

Throughout the years I heard this story recounted with the instructions “don’t let wealth own you.”  This is a very true statement. However I missed something really important. In verse 21 the Bible says that after the man said he’d kept the law ...” Then Jesus looking at him, loved him...”

What kind of love asks you to give up everything you have and blindly follow the unknown path of the Savior?  It shouted to me “don’t own anything or God won’t love you.” I have even heard it preached that "God doesn't want you to have anything!"  The latter is not true. Jesus doesn't want anything to have you.

Now that I look at it again I see this conversation in a new light. Jesus loved this man and wanted him to have so much more than money or things. He wanted the man to have a lasting legacy. Jesus could have given this rich young ruler so much more.  Remember that Jesus also said “Those who give to the poor, lend to the Lord and him He will repay in this lifetime.” Proverbs 19:17.

Was Jesus asking the man to choose money over relationship?  Yes. But with the promise of God repaying him more than he’d given. If you look further into Mark chapter 10 into verse 29 Jesus says, "...there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father, mother or wife or children or land For My Name Sake and the gospel's who shall not receive a hundredfold in this time." Then Jesus repeats the list of things given for His name's sake. Hold on though, he promises something else....uh oh, "with persecutions". What are persecutions? The Greek definition is: harassment. I'm pretty sure you get that in this  #theworld for just about anything right now. Imagine the choice between temporary harassment and Divine purpose....Sounds easy enough. But if it were easy why did the disciples ask in Mark 10: 26 "Who then can be saved?"

Does Jesus hate rich people? Not a bit. Does he despise greed, power hunger, abuse and manipulation? Absolutely. However, if you read Proverbs,  (the book of wisdom ) you find that If you gain wealth by doing good and being wise God promises that you will prosper by the works of your hands. 

 I want to be rich. Don't you? I've heard the question: "What is rich?" I have to admit that rich is a perspective. To a poor person, rich means wealth. To a sick person, rich means health. To a lonely person, rich means companionship. If you notice the theme = temporary. If you are rich financially it's very temporary. If you have a great relationship, things change. The Bible even promises that there will come a day that we will all die. WOAH!

I leave you with this question. What does being rich look like to you?

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