Wait...I forgot something

Do you feel hopeless and helpless? There are thousands, if not millions of people who feel the same way. 

I want to scream “somebody do something! “ The next day I wake to the same thing and repeat my cry “somebody do something!”

I can honestly say that I do not know what to do. We are the light of this world, we are salt and light.  I find myself asking “what can I do ?” And honestly feel defeated. 

It’s like evil has the microphone and I can’t push the mute button...no “rational” commercial breaks. No breaks at all.  

It has affected my soul and left me feeling hopeless. I still don’t know what “to do”. I even spoke with a police officer and said “can’t ‘We The People’ go to the places where anarchy is ruling, take our guns, as citizens and take our cities back?”

I was upset at the truth. “Our second amendment does not allow for a citizen to put his/herself in harms way.”  The police are what holds evil in check. Their hands are bring tied to bricks, people are throwing things at them, spitting in their faces. If the police CAN’T do their jobs and I can’t intervene.. . What do we do? 

I hear people give answers like “  vote” but our vote itself is being challenged. I’ve also heard them say “pray “ I agree.  BUT... I want to do something!

We are all asking the same question. Does anybody have a solution ?  I remember a time when young men were throwing things at the police and I saw an “army of fathers” stand as a wall to protect those people. It worked. One mother grabbed her son by the ear and dragged him home saying “What are you doing?”

Maybe that’s a part of the solution . I do not blame parents for this anarchy. Please hear me ... We as adults are responsible, our community leaders are responsible, not for creating this mess, but we do have the responsibility  to act as leaders, stand with our police.  Raising  our voices has only helped me see that there are more responsible people out there like me. That’s a comfort , it really is. But.... are there enough of us who will stand in the face of insanity and lock arms together? 

Insanity is screaming so loud that it can’t hear the voice of the rational. 

Parents, leaders, pastors, retired military anybody...  can we stand together? Can we get together? Can we agree to restore sanity? 

I do not need you to agree with me.  I do not need to agree with you, but this is our nation. We are the hope for freedom in this world. If we lose, the world loses. 

I am not saying “we” as Democrats or Republicans , this is about “We The People”. 

What can we do? Parents, arrest your children. X military personnel, stand up for our nations army, the “ police”.  Pastors, call on your people to say NO to anarchy. Leaders, LEAD. No more shouting or “reasoning” we must stand. We must unite. We must find a way. 

Our cities are looking like third world countries . We can not let this happen. WE! Are you a WE? 

After saying all of that let me conclude with something WE all can do. WE must pray. You can’t argue with evil, it’s  not rational. This is a spiritual war. Prayer is our “ big stick” as one author said “walk softly and carry a big stick”  I’m not in-sighting violence..  I’m demanding that WE take our authority both in this world and beyond it. 

One person can do very little. But one parent bringing one child home is one less child being pursued by evil. There are leaders all over the world. We must lead .

Germany and its horrors didn’t happen overnight. It happened because natural, community leaders did not stand up or together. 

America.   They want to kill our babies even after they are born. They want to remove our history. Is it all pretty? No. The cross wasn’t pretty, but it was necessary.

You and I are important, WE can stop this in our homes, our neighborhoods, our communities. We are an effective army but we
are remaining silent.  

Children are dying in their own beds! What will it take for us to take our nation back? Not a “party “ not even our government.  We are a nation of rebels! Have we forgotten what we rebelled against? Let me refresh your memory. Tyranny, limited speech, powerlessness , no voice in government, socialism, Hitler, communism, Marxism, Silence will doom us to repeat what every nation on this earth has experienced; a tearing apart  division, and war on our own streets . Do you see it? 

Don’t forget, WE are a powerful nation of people longing to remain free. Can freedom stand in the face of this anarchy bullying and say “NO! Not in my house, not in my neighborhood!”?

Do you stand with me or am I standing alone? Give me liberty or give me death. There is no in between for me. 


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