Wake up sleeper!


Have you been in the same coma I’ve been in? It’s unbearable.  

I had a talk with the Lord today. Before “the plague “ the songs “Rattle” and “The Blessing “ were written and recorded. You can find them on YouTube under Elevation worship. 

I’ve struggled with this concept mentally. I’ve asked myself “Did God get it wrong?”  “Are these songs the Word of the Lord? Didn’t he see this coming?”

The words of these songs speak the heart of God. They are from the mouth of God, scripturally. But the noise of this world is screaming fear and lies. So what else is new?

I realize that the devil has been practicing his tactics for eons.  There’s nothing new. 

Or is there? Today I saw something “new “ not in the devils tactics but in the reaction of the church and the American citizen. We are uniting!

We are humbling ourselves on our knees in victory, we’re not begging or pleading , we’re standing from our knees. 

I don’t know if other “Christian “ nations were aware that this battle is both natural and supernatural. I believe they prayed. They worked in the dark smuggling  Gods people out of danger. Fighting from hidden places. Is that our lot?

I’ve literally forgotten the power of prayer and the power given to me by the Constitution of this Nation. 

I’m not to idly sit by and let the devil have this nation. He wants to add it to his list of “this nation was a Christian nation” and “These people were prosperous and free”.. as in past tense. 

I see the army of God is united with the spirit of men (people).  In the past it’s either been one or the other. Evil vs Good and the Church was often alone on the side of Good. The Church was crippled by “if it’s Gods will” thinking . Look at Jesus, David, Daniel, Elisha.. none of them asked Gods will. They knew it! Jesus only asked Gods will one time. Right before the cross.  He didn’t ask for Gods will. In his humanity he asked if God could carry out His plan any other way. 

This is not a Republican vs Democrat fight. It’s not even a fight over certain moral issues. I’m seeing people who have nothing in common...except their refusal to surrender this nation to history... stand side by side. 

Portland, why aren’t you standing side by side and resisting evil as a city? Las Angelos and San Francisco... why aren’t you taking back your cities? . Do you want people defecating  on your streets?  Do you want to leave your State and surrender ? Would you rather move than stand up and say “not here” to pure evil?

Family. our government officials are being held hostage and we “the people” are not standing in the way of the hostage takers. You don’t have to let your cities and states become infested with disease and disregard. You don’t have to. 

We are Americans. Not blue or red. We are red, white and blue!  The white draws a line that unites us as a people. 

Your political affiliation makes no difference to me. What are we going to do to save America from the enemies of hate?

A hate group tried to march through my city. The men of the city lined the streets with their guns and the local police stood and called terrorism by its name and took these lawless individuals to jail. The men on the city did not fire one shot. They were not the rioters. They just took a stand  

 Not one gun was raised. not one business was vandalized.  This kind of stand MUST be made state by state, city by city. I’m not encouraging violence, I’m screaming “NO!”

I will not give my neighborhood to thieves. I will not scream their mantras. This is my country! We have a choice, every one of us. Will we stand or kneel? If we kneel it must ONLY be for the blood of the people that died so we didn’t have to kneel in tyranny and for freedom of religion . We must only kneel in victory!

Don’t wait for your governors to stop the madness. Take up your rights as American citizens and people of God and say “NO!”

We are not a generation of wimps. We are a generation of heroes and victors .

Let kindness be your measure. Is my neighborhood safe? What does kindness say? Is my history safe? What does kindness say? Is my state safe? What does kindness say?

I hear the roar of kindness screaming “NO, NOT IN MY YARD!”  America is screaming for peace. Who are we waiting for? The laws are there, the Constitution has been written. Who are these evil men (women) defying the nation of America?

We don’t have to agree religiously to take back our nation. I think that’s why every other nation has fallen into slavery . The people of God did not stand with the people of their nation to say “NO”.  Will you? 

If you don’t think slavery is on the agenda look closer. If the government takes your money, your businesses and tells you what you can and can not do you are either a child, unable to determine what is best for you, or you are a slave.

What do you want? What will you tolerate and what has convinced you to remain silent? Have you had enough?

Don’t wait for the election . “We the people “ died over 200 years ago, we the living, walk in their footsteps . Did they die for nothing ? It’s up to you... it really is.


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