Why was Jesus so angry?

This is not an original perspective, but I don’t remember who said it. So, #theworld. Lol. 

I’ve heard the story of Jesus and the table tossing event most of my life and was convinced it was for purely “spiritual reasons “ because these people were betraying the house of God. That’s true, but Jesus had been attacked  verbally and threatened physically by people who were not “good”. So why did this situation bring him to such holy anger that he would table toss?

This event happened one week before his betrayal. Was he “venting”? 

Here’s the reason. It’s the same reason I am angry at the destruction I see in America. 

There are no riots where I live . Most people get along very well, so why does it anger me?

In the temple the representatives of God were hurting His people .  They were taking advantage of those who had no advantage. 

When I see looters burning buildings and destroying years of hard work ... I get angry. If table tossing would help, I’d be the first in line. 

Why aren’t we all angry about these violators of everything “We the People “ stand for? Well, I actually believe people are at the table tossing stage of anger. This is how I know..,you can’t find any gun ammunition in this city. You can’t find a 20 gauge pump shot gun or ammunition for it. Folks this is much more serious than running out of toilet paper or catching a virus. 

My people (fellow Americans) are in harms way.  I want it to stop. If the police are told to “stand down” we have to take care of each other. 

I don’t care what ethnicity you are , you are my people  I don’t even insist that you believe in God like I do. 

In Genesis God gave Adam dominion over this world with instructions to maintain it, to prosper and multiply.  In the New Testament Jesus took it a step further “love your neighbor as yourself” .  I’ve seen people apply that concept to those they know, or agree with. They (we) are willing to give to those who are less fortunate than ourselves. That's great. I applaud that efforts. But where is the conviction that we are to have dominion over this earth?

This is not a religious exercise. It’s not! I’ve heard Christians say “God has this all in control and we should trust Him”. Yes and no.He already did the hard part, He died on the cross to give us back dominion.

 Did you know that Germany was at one time a Christian nation. But when it came down to it, who stood for the helpless and those persecuted by Nazi forces when their monuments of an imperfect past were taken down, when their guns were seized, when a crazy man started killing innocent people? 

There has always been an “underground” rescue squad.  These heroes hid Jews, they rescued slaves. But they did it in fear of a Government that was not “for the people or by the people”.  

Will we let America fall by the wayside ? Socialism and Marxism are not new. The difference here is, I refuse to give it any authority in my country or over my fellow Americans .

Where were we when monuments were taken down and trashed? If we are afraid then we deserve what we get.?Yes that’s harsh.

I’ve seen neighbors stand in front of their neighbors' buildings to protect them when the police were told to “do nothing “. These neighbors are heroes and have died for their communities. Will we wear their blood on our hands by standing by and letting chaos reign? Will you?

I watched a black woman, not African American, she was not from Africa any more than I’m from England or Ireland . She’s an American. Her lineage is from black America. She was praying and painting over the Black Lives Matter mural painted on her city streets. Her city ! She was crawling on the ground painting with her bare hands over a lie.

She was saying “black lives don’t matter”. “Murdered black children are not included, the fatherless and the black on black crime doesn’t matter”! She was ARRESTED. That’s not ok America. Looters tore down a gate and threatened a family and their legacy. These people stood in their yard THEIR YARD, holding guns .  Holding guns ... while having their lives and property threatened. THEY WERE ARRESTED.  

Are you ok with this? There was a white guy standing on the street here with a megaphone repeating the mantra of “Black Lives Matter” with a sign. I stopped and asked him “who is paying you to do this?”  He said he was a scientist.  Nobody else would confront him because they were afraid. People warned me to “be careful “. My response “NO WAY IN HELL AM I GOING TO COWER OR LAY DOWN OR KNEEL TO A god THAT IS NOT MINE.”  No I’m not sorry. Our history is filled with heroes, people that stood up for the flag and bowed down only to Almighty God.

Uh oh, here’s the hard question. “Is Christianity the only thing worth dying for?” 

A lot to think about. This is my battle cry: "Free America!" 

Leave a comment, I dare you  


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