
Don’t just say, “NO!”

I’m reading a book called, “Boundaries “. I recommend it. You know how you think some things are just, “Captain Obvious “...turns out they aren’t.  “No!” Is learned behavior. It isn’t a natural response. Do you know why your child says, “No!” It’s because you taught them to. that’s not too popular. I have good news though. You should teach your children to say “No!”  They should have complete power over their choices throughout their life. The Book “Boundaries” brings out this point very well when it describes a child that refuses to go to the dentist. The parent doesn’t argue, they simply offer another choice. If you choose not to go to the dentist, then you choose not to go to XXX’s party later today. The child in the books response was, “Okay, but I’m not going because you made me.” The child is absolutely correct. She was free to choose. So, I’ve been thinking a lot about grace. Did you know that Grace allows you to say NO! to...God???? I bet your mind just ...

Useless prayers

“ the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much...” James 5:18b unless.... Have you ever prayed a prayer that was just downright silly? I bet you have. How about... you run a red light and with a police car directly behind you. you pray, “Lord, I pray that the police officer doesn’t see me!” How about... after you take a test at school and you pray, “Lord, I hope I did well.” Now for a biggy...You take a blood test, or have lab work done and you pray, “Lord I pray that everything comes out okay.” So, why are these prayers silly? First example. Is God going to blind  a police person when you know you’ve broken the law? Well, he didn’t blind one when I accidentally broke the speed limit on my way to church.  I did pray though,,, I asked for “MERCY”.  Thankfully it was my first ticket... not that it helped my prayer any, just sayin’. So, the second prayer is asking God to go back and fix your mistakes? Ummm....I don’t think so. And the third? If you’ve ta...

The phone, a Faub and a band

So, that just happened. It’s been an interesting weekend. I think I have some new entertainment for you. First let’s talk about the phone. My phone is so “smart”that I either need a code or my fingerprint to use it. Okay, so what happens if you have Cheese Puffs on your fingers? The smart phone is no longer smart. Yep, happened yesterday.  After I licked the Cheetos off of my fingers I found out that someone had tried to call me twice. So, What happens if you turn the ringer off... Like, say, to go to church or something? Well, you best not have any brain farts! We go out to dinner after church and the dreaded.” Where is my phone” thought hits! Thankfully I had turned the ringer back on or I would have had to go home and get my iPad to use my phone finder. What if they’d already taken out the trash! Thankfully I had turned it back on...whew.... Next, the’s so smart that I only need to have it in my possession to start the car. Well, the person trying to call me...

Take the phone away, I think she’s asleep..

Have you ever seen people do things while they are half asleep?  I have. I’ve seen people do things when I knew they were asleep. There’s a sleep aid that a person can get by prescription that has caused people to actually get up in the middle of the night, while they’re asleep and raid their own cupboards. They wake up in the morning and trash is everywhere. Remember when I wrote about the ten ways to know that you’re too tired? Well, the one about the empty Cheetos bag? Yep, that was me. So, since it’s Friday and well... I just can’t stop laughing...I decided to continue the theme, with a twist. I usually keep the phone close to me when I sleep, you know, in case of emergency or something. I think I’m going to have to move it. I was thinking of a friend and I remember trying to text her, then I fell asleep. I had actually texted her and someone named, “ykuiwhiq”. The text looked something like this., “Hey Ed huhujjjhyy Are You?”When I woke up I had a text from her.  ...

Super powers to avoid

Spider Man has his “spidy sense”. Wonder Woman has her golden shield. I also believe she has an invisible airplane. Every super hero has a “super” power.  Why else would they have the word”super” in front of their names? Did you know that every person you meets has a “ super” power? If you think about it, even villains have “super “ powers.  They might be super crazy, super genius, super evil,... right? As I’ve journeyed through my life I have discovered that I have some super powers! Sometimes I can be “ super “... cranky. Sometimes I can be “super” sensitive. My all time favorite is “ super” Grandma!  I can carry two of my four grandchildren with a single... well using every bit of strength I have, but I feel super. Does that count? So. I’ve made a list if “super” powers that should be avoided. Anger Hate Rage Lust Silence Violence Silence Etc... I bet you didn’t think of those as super powers. But they are. If I enable the super power of anger... I can...

That's It! Get back in the magazine!

Have you ever gone to the gym and way! Why in the world are they here? Yep, happened tonight. I was at my water aerobics class minding my own business and BAM! They were a couple even! I bet they fight like cats and dogs! That was the only way I could console myself. 👀 How do you get to look like that? I mean, everything was perfect. They even sat like they were posing. NO way! All the while I'm jogging to the oldies...or with the oldies? I don't know. I was one of the two. Man I felt old! I mean really. I think they were both perpetually 35. Why 35? Well, at 25 you don't appreciate having a body like that and they looked like they appreciated it. Am I jealous? Let me see...let's take inventory. I'm past a few I have Russian Roulette health.  Some days its good, some days not so much. I have rods in my back, screws in my foot and a zipper in the front and in the back. Don't I sound beautiful? Well, I think I am! T...

My outfit matched when I left the house?

Do you ever have one of those days where it feels like it’s been an entire season? Welcome to my world this past Friday. I had it all planned out. It was going to be great! I would start at A, go directly to B ,then C, like clockwork. Bam! It was perfect. How many of you know that nothing is perfect? I headed to A, ended up in D, had to change clothes to go back to section B and never got to  C. I ended up being a “hostage “ in area D. Nothing was going right. I went to the store three times for something that was pre-ordered. Then upon my third try I get a message saying they ran out of it. So, it was 5:00 and the store that was supposed to have it in the on my first trip no longer had it. There was no other way to get it and the other stores were closed. Really? I called around to get some help and right before the person on the phone tells me that they can't help me, the lady at the store says “ we just found it!” Then gave it to me, then my car overheated.  I had to tu...

According to Lincoln

This is the fifty first published post of "Well, at Least there's that" and Lincoln wants his turn to talk. According to Lincoln... "I was rescued from a place where I was in a cage all day long. I was expected to give life, but never given a life of my own. I had lost all my beauty and was full of flees. Nobody wanted me and I wanted to run. I wanted freedom! I wanted to have my own choices. ' I was free, but I wasn't beautiful anymore. I was just a dog. My hair was long, I was afraid of everything and lifeless. I just wanted to escape. There was no hope! Then I was rescued! I still wanted to run, I mean, "who were these people, why was I here and what was going to happen next?" Then one evening a sad lady came to a camp fire and I stood beside her. I had no hope and I had no desire for her to "save" me. I just wanted to be free.  Somehow I saw hope in her sad face. I just feel drawn to her. Maybe I'll have the freedom ...

The Nineveh project

Jonah was quite a character.  Let me tell you his story from my point of view. Refer to the book "Jonah" for details. Okay, so Jonah is out minding his own business. God says, "Hey Jonah!" Jonah says, "yes?" God says, "you know that town that hates me?" "You mean Nineveh, " Jonah replies? "Yes", says God. "I hate that place" says Jonah. God says, "well I think I'm going to have to destroy it." Jonah is like, "Yes!" Then God says, "So, I want you to go and tell them I"m going to destroy them." To which Jonah replies, "What? No way!" God doesn't change his mind, but Jonah thinks he can run and get away from this plan. So, he gets on a ship. He is so confident in his decision to run that he goes into the bottom of the ship and goes to sleep. Talk about denial! The ship hits a terrible storm. The whole crew looks around and says, 'Somebody has upset their ...

Watch out for that pride thang!

Nope. Sorry to disappoint, still not making fun of anyone. But I am making fun of the attitude. It’s taken me a very long time to get to know me.  I had all sorts of preconceived ideas about me. Somebody would tell me I was too thin, a nurse once told me I was obese! Yes, we have to talk about that one!  So, I’m in the hospital, let me hear you say it...” again”... I know. I’m getting ready to be released...again. This nurse comes in and she’s so heavy that the bed actually creeks.  I’m not making this up.  Then she begins to lecture me about my BMI...not a cool car... Body Mass Index. I’m thinking, wow! She’s going there.  I was super thin most of my life. Even after I had my children and especially after the cancer. So, my body kind of freaked out.  The Dr had disconnected some...organs...and when he reconnected them...let’s say it together...” I nearly died!” Yes... again. I’ve been so close to death so many times that I think I should get freq...