That's It! Get back in the magazine!

Have you ever gone to the gym and way! Why in the world are they here? Yep, happened tonight.

I was at my water aerobics class minding my own business and BAM! They were a couple even! I bet they fight like cats and dogs! That was the only way I could console myself. šŸ‘€

How do you get to look like that? I mean, everything was perfect. They even sat like they were posing. NO way!

All the while I'm jogging to the oldies...or with the oldies? I don't know. I was one of the two. Man I felt old! I mean really. I think they were both perpetually 35. Why 35? Well, at 25 you don't appreciate having a body like that and they looked like they appreciated it.

Am I jealous? Let me see...let's take inventory. I'm past a few I have Russian Roulette health.  Some days its good, some days not so much. I have rods in my back, screws in my foot and a zipper in the front and in the back. Don't I sound beautiful?

Well, I think I am! There! I said it! Still not prideful. Because although I may lack their physique I have something they don't. My Brain! Yes, It's one of my most beautiful assets.

Can't argue with the brain part! lol! If I've made you smile, laugh or think through my bloggin then  my brain is working just fine and it's a beauty to behold.  So, I may not look the part or even sit like I play the part or swim like I know what I'm doing, but I'm alive! I'm me! I like me!!! Just the way I am.

Embrace you! And tell those people...nicely to.... "Get back in the magazine!" That's all folks!


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