Take the phone away, I think she’s asleep..

Have you ever seen people do things while they are half asleep?  I have. I’ve seen people do things when I knew they were asleep.

There’s a sleep aid that a person can get by prescription that has caused people to actually get up in the middle of the night, while they’re asleep and raid their own cupboards. They wake up in the morning and trash is everywhere. Remember when I wrote about the ten ways to know that you’re too tired? Well, the one about the empty Cheetos bag? Yep, that was me.

So, since it’s Friday and well... I just can’t stop laughing...I decided to continue the theme, with a twist.

I usually keep the phone close to me when I sleep, you know, in case of emergency or something. I think I’m going to have to move it.

I was thinking of a friend and I remember trying to text her, then I fell asleep. I had actually texted her and someone named, “ykuiwhiq”. The text looked something like this., “Hey Ed huhujjjhyy Are You?”When I woke up I had a text from her.  She said, “I am...,” “heyed huhjjjhhyy??? What is that?? Lol”.   I couldn’t stop laughing. I then told her what had happened and said that at least I was thinking about her..”.lol!

So, what else happened while I was asleep?  Well last week I tried to go online, while I was awake...and check a password protected email.  I couldn’t get in.  I checked my notes and I had written down a new password. So I tried using that.  Nothing. So, I called the company and they said they were having computer problems. Ok. Made sense. Until...I get an important email from them and I try to read it and I still can’t get in.  So, I call and ask if they’re still having problems. They said they didn’t think so. So, I give them my formation and they look me up. I gave them my online ID and they told me that I’d changed it.   After verifying that it was really me, they told me that I’d changed it to an old password.  I was shocked! Then I told them that I had no idea what the password was. This was really hard to explain.  So, they reset the program so I could read the email.  In my sleep I had changed the user ID, and the password and had written down most of the password wrong.

For the life of me I still don’t remember doing it.  I wonder what else I’ve done in my sleep? There are a couple of things I can’t find. I wonder if I moved them? I hope I find them.

So, in this last episode I was dreaming that I was in a room full of people.  My long lost Grandmother was in the dream, my mother was in the dream and so was xman. My grandmother had an upset stomach, then my mother got one.  In the dream I’m trying to help them and xman had taken my purse trying to help me go to the store for them.  I was hungry and I was in a room where all my clothes were strung around the room.  I woke up saying, “I’m trying to get ready, I’m just so hungry!” I woke myself up to realize that my dog was pacing because it was time to feed him.

The other day I texted a friend about a sale.  I had gone to the site, taken a picture of the page and texted it to her, stating which item was my favorite,  I had done all of that at 3:30 in the morning!

Either I need a nap, a Med change or I need to move the phone. If I need a nap I’m going to move the phone. So, if  you know me and you get a weird message at a strange time ..just say. “Take the phone away. I think she’s asleep.”


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