Watch out for that pride thang!

Nope. Sorry to disappoint, still not making fun of anyone. But I am making fun of the attitude.
It’s taken me a very long time to get to know me.  I had all sorts of preconceived ideas about me. Somebody would tell me I was too thin, a nurse once told me I was obese! Yes, we have to talk about that one! 

So, I’m in the hospital, let me hear you say it...” again”... I know. I’m getting ready to be released...again. This nurse comes in and she’s so heavy that the bed actually creeks.  I’m not making this up.  Then she begins to lecture me about my BMI...not a cool car... Body Mass Index. I’m thinking, wow! She’s going there. 

I was super thin most of my life. Even after I had my children and especially after the cancer. So, my body kind of freaked out.  The Dr had disconnected some...organs...and when he reconnected them...let’s say it together...” I nearly died!” Yes... again. I’ve been so close to death so many times that I think I should get frequent flyer miles! That just came to me by the

Oh, while I’m rambling let me tell you something else than ran through my head and out of my mouth...  Oklahoma just voted to legalize marijuana.  This is the “Bible Belt”... just sayin’. Anyway I was in a grocery store and they had this really cool planter on sale. It was beautiful and.. my favorite..inexpensive.  So, I’m walking up to the check out register and these words explode from my brain with a straight face to boot.  I said, “ I hear that Oklahoma is going to vote to legalize pot... so I bought one.” Sometimes it’s fun to be inside my head...

So, back to the hospital scene. As I said, when they reconnected the part they disconnected, my body freaked out.  After it got over another Near Death Experience, it decided to hold onto anything I ate. So, I started gaining weight.  I’m thinking that a little meat on my bones is a much better option than dead or having to carry...”accessories “ for the rest of my life.  I was allergic to the tape on the..” accessory.” So, it I like to say, “ hell in a box.” So, I’m thinking that gaining weight out...”weighs” the other options.  My Doctor wasn’t freaked out about the weight.  Matter of fact, one of the doctors that participated in the many surgeries saw me up walking...with my accessories...and ran up and gave me a hug.  It was like he was saying, “ I thought you were dead!” To which I replied “ nope, not yet!”  Anyway so as I was saying...she’s nearly bending the metal on the bed and telling me that I needed to lose weight.   She said she was concerned that I’d have high blood pressure. Aww... or that I’d get diabetes. I’m sure she had a good heart. But I’m thinking her hair would have stood up if she’d realized that just by being there... I had beat those odds.

As I was saying, too thin.too fat...labels. My hair was pretty or it was unruly. It’s like gossip only to your face.

 So I have to admit it’s been hard getting to know me with so many versions of me, on the market, so to speak.

So, now that all the “voices “ of other people, about me, have lost their power. I’ve made a decision! I like me just the way I am. I even like being inside my own brain. It’s entertaining. I never know what my brain might come up with next.

I was at the pharmacy today... I just rent a room...and the clerk was talking about wanting more confidence. I told her that if she was beautiful on the inside, then she should know that she’s beautiful on the outside. Do you know that most people look good wearing a smile? Think about it.

So, in the back of my mind...because that’s where I keep the...well...anyway I hear, “ Now there you go getting that pride thang!” Therefore blog name.  I thought to myself...what is pride? Well, pride stinks to everyone except for the person who has it.  Pride is delusional.  Pride always thinks it has great talent, or awesome skills,  but those who wear pride usually lack one key ingredient...evidence. Yep. Do not tell me how good you me.

I can’t possibly be prideful because...I’ve met me. Yep, I know every mistake I’ve made, I know all my secrets, I even get on my own nerves sometimes. Yep, pride isn’t ADMITTING who you really are.   Pride is  NOT KNOWING...who you really are.

So, take my advice...DO NOT TAKE MY ADVICE!  I don’t know you like you do.  If you don’t like you, who will? But...that’s a subject for another day!

Have you seen this emoji? I hope it comes out right. šŸ’ƒ it says that she’s dancing, but if you look real looks like she’s stomping off! Have a great day!


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