The phone, a Faub and a band

So, that just happened.

It’s been an interesting weekend. I think I have some new entertainment for you.

First let’s talk about the phone. My phone is so “smart”that I either need a code or my fingerprint to use it. Okay, so what happens if you have Cheese Puffs on your fingers? The smart phone is no longer smart. Yep, happened yesterday.  After I licked the Cheetos off of my fingers I found out that someone had tried to call me twice.

So, What happens if you turn the ringer off... Like, say, to go to church or something? Well, you best not have any brain farts! We go out to dinner after church and the dreaded.” Where is my phone” thought hits! Thankfully I had turned the ringer back on or I would have had to go home and get my iPad to use my phone finder. What if they’d already taken out the trash! Thankfully I had turned it back on...whew....

Next, the’s so smart that I only need to have it in my possession to start the car. Well, the person trying to call me was waiting in their car. When we pulled in to the gas station we realized that someone other than us had the faub. Now, my car will scream if I leave the car with the faub. This car must think people are smarter than me. So, we get to the gas station and FEAR hits! We can’t turn off the car. So, in my infinite wisdom I suggest that we take turns going into the gas station. Hence the phone ringing. The other person isn’t sure what the car will do if they get out of it. How smart is this car? Is there some way it knows if the driver gets out and there is no faub? Do you know the answer to that question? We didn’t. I mean, there was NO KEY in the car. So, since we were in the middle of nowhere I got out and got what I wanted from the store. That’s when the other personThe other person tried calling to tell me that they were going back for the key. But I didn’t have my ringer on.

So, I walk out to the car and they text the person with the faub. We go back and get the faub and it’s their turn to go into the store. So, I say, “just roll the windows down and I’ll wait here.”  The person says, “That’s okay I’ll leave it running.” I break out in laughter...”if you were going to leave it running, why did we go back for the faub?” “I don’t know” was the reply and we both burst out laughing.

I’m still laughing.  It doesn’t take much. I told you that its fun living inside my brain!

So, now the band. I had NO IDEA that Snow Patrol was a band. I thought it was a kids cartoon show. So, I’m in the car listening to Serius XM radio and bam! Snow Patrol comes on. Well, the world made a little more sense. I wondered how a kids tv show could have a top 40 hit.

Now you know. Oh I still don’t know if the car shuts off if the driver exits without the faub in the car. That’s another story for another day.

Smile you makes people wonder what you’ re up to!


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