According to Lincoln

This is the fifty first published post of "Well, at Least there's that" and Lincoln wants his turn to talk.

According to Lincoln...

"I was rescued from a place where I was in a cage all day long. I was expected to give life, but never given a life of my own.

I had lost all my beauty and was full of flees. Nobody wanted me and I wanted to run. I wanted freedom! I wanted to have my own choices. '

I was free, but I wasn't beautiful anymore. I was just a dog. My hair was long, I was afraid of everything and lifeless. I just wanted to escape. There was no hope! Then I was rescued!

I still wanted to run, I mean, "who were these people, why was I here and what was going to happen next?"

Then one evening a sad lady came to a camp fire and I stood beside her. I had no hope and I had no desire for her to "save" me. I just wanted to be free.  Somehow I saw hope in her sad face.

I just feel drawn to her. Maybe I'll have the freedom to run or I might have the chance to belong. I'd seen her with "the horse." He had run, he was free, he was happy I knew his story. He'd been left a lone to pretty much live out his days, but she had come along.

Maybe she could make me free? Maybe I could run from her or with her? Then she left.

I was doomed to be put back into a cage. I was doomed to live full of fleas. My legs no longer worked because they were useless. I couldn't run if I wanted to. I was broken and she left me there.

I tossed and turned that night, only hoping for a change, but she walked away.

The next day would be the same. I would awake, be set upon a chain and I would be a prisoner of a different type. Hope had left me there.

Suddenly I hear her voice. She came to see me again, or did she come to see the horse? I stepped up beside her afraid to hope. I looked at her with a degree of expectation. I was afraid to hope. But...she had returned!

I heard words, I saw movement, but I was afraid. Then she took me by the collar and gave me a bath, over and over again. It was like she was trying to find the beauty inside of me. She was trying to rid me of the flees and free my legs to run. But would she? Would she fight for me? Would she abandon me as the others had. Would she just come to visit as she had with the horse? Would I ever belong? She had come back! But was it for me?

After the many flee baths I didn't know what to expect. Was she angry because the flees wouldn't leave? Was she tired and going to leave me where I was. I saw her head for the car, but then she bent down, grabbed my collar and put me into her car.   "I was going home with her."

Why? Why was she sad?  Why was I in her car? What would happen to me?

We arrive at a beautiful house. The most beautiful house I'd ever seen. Who lived there?  She got me out of the car and we entered the house. I heard a boy talk. He seemed angry. I think he said, "You got a big dog?" I felt very small. I wanted to run. But she just kept holding my collar and we walked on. She said, "yes and he's all mine!" "You don't have to feed him or watch him or do anything. He is my dog!"

Could it be? Did I belong to her? Surely she'd put me back into a cage. I shouldn't be able to live in this beautiful house. I still had flees. She didn't know me and I didn't trust her. I wanted to, but I didn't know how.

She got a cage. I knew she would. I was angry. How could I be put back into a cage? Just because this house is beautiful the cage is the same. I can not run, I can not be free. But,  she brought me home with her.

The next day she took me to a Doctor and he set me free from the flees. But he also gave me shots and it was painful. She took me home. I was clean, but I was afraid. What would happen next? I didn't want to go back into that cage? Sure it was bigger, it was inside, but was a cage. I wanted to run like the horse!

So, at the end of the day, she puts me back into the cage and I sleep fitfully, but clean. I was beautiful again, but I couldn't run so what difference did it make?

The next day she tried to play with me, but I was afraid. She left the cage up, but she did something interesting. She left the door open when she was home I could go in when I needed to feel safe and I could be with her when I wanted to.  Then she took me into the back yard. I'd never seen so much fence, but I could run. If only, I could run.

She fed me and loved me and took me to the Doctor and for car rides. I hid...then one day she took the cage apart and I slept in a bathroom. It was big, the door was closed, but this was not a cage.

The boy eventually came and played with me. We fell in love. We wrestled on the floor, we laughed, I barked! I hadn't barked in so long, it felt wonderful! She, the boy and I went outside and I ran. I ran! I was free. At night I would go back into the bathroom, but during the day I was free. I found great comfort in the solitude of the bathroom.  I also knew that I would never be alone again.

Years have passed.  I no longer sleep in a bathroom. I have two beds! I have a bed in every room that she goes to. If she's in the bedroom, I have a bed there! If she's working in the house, I have a bed in the center of the room. I can go into every room. She only asks that I stay off the couch. Sometimes when she's not looking I get on the couch. When she leaves I re -arrange the pillows and she knows I've been on the couch. She gets upset, but she is glad to see me. I let her know when I'm angry, One day she was gone too long for my taste so I went and got an empty toilet paper roll and put it in the middle of the floor. There was other trash to choose from, but I knew that my decision was perfect because I had to pick through the trash to find it.. She just laughs. She always comes home to me. She never forgets to feed me, she never forgets to talk to me. She always takes my head into her hands and says, "Thank you Jesus for my Lincoln!" I am her Lincoln!

I love her so! Where she goes I go, when she sleeps I sleep, when she needs comfort I gladly sit  by her feet. She loved me when I was not beautiful. She loved me when I was full of flees and she loves me now. We have moved away from the horse, he must be sad. She let him run...

Now she lets me run..I am free!


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