Super powers to avoid

Spider Man has his “spidy sense”. Wonder Woman has her golden shield. I also believe she has an invisible airplane. Every super hero has a “super” power.  Why else would they have the word”super” in front of their names?

Did you know that every person you meets has a “ super” power? If you think about it, even villains have “super “ powers.  They might be super crazy, super genius, super evil,... right?

As I’ve journeyed through my life I have discovered that I have some super powers! Sometimes I can be “ super “... cranky. Sometimes I can be “super” sensitive. My all time favorite is “ super” Grandma!  I can carry two of my four grandchildren with a single... well using every bit of strength I have, but I feel super. Does that count?

So. I’ve made a list if “super” powers that should be avoided.

I bet you didn’t think of those as super powers. But they are.
If I enable the super power of anger... I can hurt someone’s feelings, I can say things that could change our relationship. The same goes for hate, rage and violence. But I bet you never thought of silence as a super power! It’s very strong.

Try this experiment. After meeting someone randomly stop talking. Do you know what usually happens next? They get uncomfortable and depending on their personality type they will either start rambling to fill the time or they might think you’re angry, or conceited, or even just sad. The power of silence can be used to destroy lives and relationships.

If you don’t believe me listen to the song, “ say something “.  It’s all about one person trying to reach another person and silence is what they get in return. It’s sad. Silence can be distressing. It can build a wall between two people. When used in its cruelest form it can actually be labeled “abuse”.  Have you ever had to deal with someone who gives you the “ silent treatment “? They just stop speaking to you. This power is most useful when accompanied by anger or rejection. It can really hurt someone. It also puts most people on the defensive. What do you combat silence with? Here’s a tool for you to try.  When faced with abusive silence... walk away. Anger won’t help, tears don’t work, nope, you’ve just hit a brick wall and sometimes it’s just not worth the effort.

If walking away sounds harsh, trying to yell or plead or cry... in response to silence... that’s harsh. The silent person has control. So. The best way to take back control is to walk away.

I’ve experienced this super power. It has literally destroyed some of my crucial relationships. You can’t fix silence. You can’t reason with silence. You can’t argue with silence. If you’re really good at using silennce as a weapon you can make people say things they never intended to say.

While we’re on the subject of silence... here’s another thought  We’ve lost too many people to the silence of suicide. Suicide is a super power that kills a lot of people.

I think of actor/comedian Robin Williams. I’ve noticed that people who are really funny fight suicide more often than most. They might feel like they’re always “on” and have to perform. It’s like a drug. Once the “funny” wears off they don’t know who they are. Often times they can’t describe their distress because they might not know how. Maybe they can’t handle the highs of comedy and the lows of reality?

Often people who choose suicide appear to have the world at their feet. So, why ?
How and when does suicide become the only option?

I’ve heard people argue and say that suicide is selfish. Ok, I can see that to a  degree. But think about it... what has driven them to that place? Was it fear, loneliness, silent depression, anger, rsge, hopelessness or even sickness?

I have a close relative that took his own life. We all begged him to get help, but the facade of perfection had a strong hold on his life. I wonder if he thought getting help would be seen as a weakness? Would it hurt his reputation? I believe he was tormented in his  soul. He took his life in a very violent way. Wouldn’t it have been easier to ask for help? No... unfortunately this man refused to get help. He refused to face truth and accept responsibility for his actions. So, in a very sick way he punished the people he left behind.

Did the punishment work? Yes. It took the form of grief and anger. Silence,,,, you can’t argue with dead. Yes I know that sounds harsh, but it’s reality.

I have adopted a policy. If I believe someone is on the brink of suicide I will call for help. Here’s the other side of that argument. “ what if they’re acting like that to get attention?”  Really? If they are acting that way to get attention... please make sure they get it. Call the police or an ambulance or take them to the hospital.  Death is permanent and you can’t undo it.

So. When the super power of silence tries to take you down... “say something “.


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